NZSA security industry newsletter – March 2022


Welcome to our March 2022 newsletter.

I had the pleasure of having a week off in in Central Otago in late February, enjoying some bike riding (highly recommend the Lake Dunstan Trail but next time will forget my ego and go for an ebike) and quality wine and food.

Whilst local tourism and hospitality providers have been largely resilient to the direct impacts of Covid/Omicron, it was very obvious that the most significant problem they are facing is finding workers. I spoke to a number of business owners who have either shut down their customer facing operations or are on the point of closing down and with little likelihood of reopening unless there is a dramatic change to government border and migration settings.

Whilst the government has a philosophy of training New Zealanders into roles, the simple reality is that many Kiwis have no interest in the work on offer, particularly given that just about every industry sector is desperate for workers. Similarly, the argument that there are 188,000 potential workers on the Job Seeker benefit has little merit when a significant proportion of those are long-term beneficiaries who for reasons of mental health or dependency issues will find it difficult to gain employment.

The security industry has been dealing with the same issues around staff shortages for several years, exacerbated by first Covid and more recently the Omicron variant.

We certainly appreciate that it is very trying times for security providers in trying to ensure service continuity whilst dealing with daily staff shortages of up to 20%. Talking to a number of our members, there has been considerable planning around business continuity and the prioritisation of services so as to ensure minimum disruption to customers and that certainly seems to be paying dividends.

Several weeks ago, we announced a special partnership arrangement between MSD and NZSA focused on finding additional workers for the security industry and specifically to assist with Omicron enforced staffing shortages. This follows on from our existing Skills for Industry programme with MSD that we have provided for the last four years, but with broadened employment outcomes that now include casual and part-time employment and open to all those allowed to work in New Zealand.

Despite only just launching our social media advertising, themed around helping maintain critical services and infrastructure, we have received a great initial response from potential applicants and will be working with those members who have registered interest in the programme with regards to the interviewing and potential employment of these candidates. If this service may be of interest please email Andrea Charlton on [email protected].


Omicron/RAT Tests

As mentioned above, Omicron is having a substantial impact, not only for our members but also across all critical services and industry sectors.

We have provided guidance to our members on registering as a critical service and accessing RAT tests for symptomatic workers and thankfully we are now moving towards having wider access to the tests.

A focus for us now is lobbying to reduce the stand-down for those workers who have either tested positive, or been a close contact, where they are free of symptoms and provided a negative test result.

I am very mindful that we have somewhat bombarded our members with information over the last few weeks however it has been a rapidly evolving situation (on one day the MBIE advisory page was updated five times) and feedback from members certainly confirms that they appreciate the timeliness of the updates and are happy to filter out critical information for their own needs.


NZSA 50th anniversary

Hopefully you noted the new logo at the header of this newsletter celebrating 50 years of existence for the NZSA.

Originally formed as the New Zealand Security Industry Association (NZSIA), this was changed to New Zealand Security Association (NZSA) in 1999.

This is a significant milestone for the organisation, and it is very pleasing that the NZSA now has considerable strength in membership and industry representation as befitting the peak body for the security industry.

We will be looking to formally commemorate the milestone as part of the annual Awards event in September and will keep you posted on this.


Increase in minimum wage

A reminder to members that the minimum wage will increase to $21.20 per hour effective from 1 April 2022 (currently $20.00).


Proposed New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme

The Government is currently consulting on an income insurance scheme for New Zealanders. The proposal was jointly developed by a working group comprising Government Officials, Business New Zealand and the Council of Trade Unions.

Key features of the scheme include:

  • The scheme will provide employees with up to 80% of their previous income (capped at $130,911) for up to six months following loss of employment due to redundancy or loss of capacity to work due to a health condition or disability.
  • Where an employee is made redundant, their employer will need to give four weeks notice and make a “bridging payment” of 80% of the employee’s wages during the notice period.
  • The cost of the scheme will be funded by a 2.77% levy split equally between the employee and the employer (approximately 1.39% each).
  • The levy will apply on income up to $130,911 and will be collected through the PAYE system.
  • To be eligible, employees will need to contribute for at least six months in the previous eighteen months preceding a claim.
  • Claimants under the scheme will need to seek new employment, re-train or undertake rehabilitation.

The NZSA is currently preparing a joint submission with the association representing commercial cleaners on the basis that we do not support the proposal at this time.

Whilst there is a case for reform, we believe that in the current climate of low unemployment, high (and increasing) inflation and extreme cost pressures on employers the introduction of the proposed scheme at this time would be detrimental to both employees and employers.


Improved funding support for electronic security qualifications

It is pleasing to note that the industry has been successful in gaining confirmation from TEC that the NZCiES Level 4 (New Zealand Certificate in Electronic Security) is now recognised as a New Zealand Apprenticeship.

This means that in addition to the NZCiES being covered under the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (better known as Fees Free) through to December 2022, employers can now also claim a subsidy of up to $1,000 per month under the Apprenticeship Boost programme.

Unfortunately, this does not apply retrospectively and as the scheme only runs to 4 August 2022, employers will need to sign up workers to the NZCiES Level 4 and apply for the Apprenticeship Boost payment through Work and Income before that date.

Whilst Government has yet to announce any funding alternative going forward, it is expected that an equivalent scheme will be introduced and with electronic security qualifications recognised.

The other good news is that we now have confirmation that non New Zealand citizens can be enrolled provided they have the right to work in New Zealand for at least the length of the training programme specified in the training agreement. If they have a visa that allows them to work in New Zealand for three years, they can enrol in a three-year training programme. For further information please contact Carine Vaccari at ETEC on 022 5686671 or [email protected].

As always, we welcome all comments and feedback on NZSA or industry issues and activity.

Keep safe and well.

Kind regards,

Gary Morrison


New Zealand Security Awards 2022 – save the date!

We are pleased to announce that this year’s annual New Zealand Security Awards will be held on Friday 16 September 2022 at the Hilton, one of Auckland’s iconic and premier function venues.

As it is the 50th anniversary of the NZSA we would love to showcase some security memorabilia at the awards event. If you have anything that might be of interest from 1972 onwards please contact [email protected].


Support for vaccination booster

Following on from the recent booster campaign in February, the Ministry of Health are getting in touch with various organisations that provide Critical Services to find out if there is a need for support to increase the uptake of boosters among your staff/contractors.

Protecting the workforce from Omicron and ensuring business continuity is top of mind right now, and the Ministry of Health would be happy to discuss any challenges your workplace may be having to maximise the uptake of vaccinations, and the potential ways in which they may be able to help.

If this of interest, please contact Ashvindev Singh at the Ministry of Health on [email protected].

Attached is a brochure about-the-pfizer-booster that outlines the key information about boosters. This resource is also available in other languages and if that is useful to you please contact Ashvindev Singh at the Ministry of Health on [email protected].


Keeping your team up to date

Like many organisations we are constantly looking for ways to ensure we can communicate effectively with our members and their teams. The best way to stay up to date on NZSA and industry news is via our newsletter. The more people from each company who receive our newsletter, the higher the chance of updates being communicated within the industry.

With this in mind, we welcome you to send us any company contacts who would like to receive our newsletter and we will add them to our distribution list.

Please email any contacts to [email protected].


NZSA member referral – strength in numbers

NZSA’s membership has grown strongly over the past year and each new member not only strengthens the Association and the security community, it also enables us to provide you with more benefits and services and a greater voice for the industry. So help grow your community and strengthen your Association by referring a prospective new member.

To refer a prospective member please email details to [email protected]. For details on member benefits please see the NZSA website.


Face masks available

The NZSA has obtained from the Ministry of Health face masks from government stocks. These masks are Ministry of Health approved for essential services. The masks are available to order in boxes of 50 and the cost is $37.50 + gst per box ($0.75 per unit) for members and $50 + gst per box for non-members.

If you would like to place an order can you please email us at [email protected] with your requirements.

Member Benefits

Building Networks Compliance Guidance

Building Networks are the leading authority on building compliance and they are offering a 20% discount for members: Building Networks website

For industry news, updates, tips and opinions from the frontline, sign up to the Building Networks newsletter or visit their YouTube channel.

First Aid and Refresher Training

Life Care Consultants have extensive experience with first aid training in the security industry and are offering NZSA members a 10% discount on all first aid and refresher training.

For further information please email Russell Taylor [email protected].



NZSA have an agreement with Mobilcard offering members fuel discounts

Key Benefits:

  • Up to 16 cents per litre (including GST) discount off the pump price for all diesel and petrol purchased at a discounted Mobilcard acceptor sites. Minimum discount of 12 cents per litre (including GST).
  • Available at 330+ sites nationwide. View to find an acceptor site near you.
  • No card or transaction fees.
  • No need to manage receipts for tax purposes, all managed under one account.
  • Costs can be tracked easily with one monthly invoice. You can also have online access to multiple reports including the fuel consumed by individual vehicles.
  • PIN number and purchase restrictions for added security.
  • You must be a member of the NZSA to qualify for this offer.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using a discount of up to 6 cents per litre = $6 discount per week..

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using the NZSA MOBILCARD discount of up to 16cents per litre = $16 discount per week

For a company fleet of 20 vehicles that’s potentially an annual saving of over $10,000 per annum.

The discount level is dependent on volume of fuel used per annum.

For further information please email [email protected].



simPRO is a leading operations management solution for service, maintenance and project contractors. Connect the office to the field, delivery exceptional customer service and gain invaluable insights with automated processes, streamlined workflows and in-depth business reporting.

NZSA members are eligible to receive a 20% discount on initial implementation costs of simPRO and for the month of November two months free!

For further information visit the simPRO website.


NZSA Speak Up Line

The NZSA Speak Up Line is free to members and provides access to a confidential service where staff can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern that may be occurring in the workplace and not being reported.

Phone                 0800 775 775

Online reports

The NZSA will provide posters, business-sized card to go into wallets, stickers and introductory letters for your staff. They are designed for members to include their own corporate branding prior to distribution.

The service is particularly valuable where employees may be reluctant to speak up or report matters due to fears that by doing so it may affect their employment or risk further victimisation.

It is also important to note that such services meet government procurement requirements around providing a voice for staff.

This service is provided by Crimestoppers who obviously have considerable experience in handling sensitive calls in a confidential manner. They log the calls or online reports and forward to the NZSA for further investigation if required. The staff member can remain anonymous if they wish to do so.

Register for the NZSA Speak Up Line by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.


NZSA HR Advisory Service

NZSA is partnered with Sucess HR to provide access to free HR advice as well as templated key documents and policies.

This is a fantastic offering for our members and their management staff, in particular those smaller companies who do not have access to in-house or contracted HR expertise. Please share this with your line managers, supervisors and staff who may have a need for this great HR service.

Services and documents available include:

  • HR advice and guidance
  • Employment Agreements:  permanent, fixed term, casual
  • Position Descriptions
  • Policy Documents
  • Updates on legislation and best practice

For members requiring NZSA HR Advisory services please contact: [email protected] or 021 918 331



We welcome the following new Corporate Members:

Hamner Springs SecurityServices Ltd


BC Security Ltd


and the following new Associate Individual Member:

Dave McMahon



Conflict Management – Train the Trainer and Refresher Training

As the industry peak body, the NZSA has appointed Bespoke Security and Hard Target to deliver the Conflict Management Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes around the country. These providers are subject matter experts in their own right and will ensure that those who are approved to deliver the Conflict Management Training meet necessary standards.

For further information and to register please email [email protected].


NZISF breakfast meeting

Topic:  Forensic technology considerations when responding to cyber matters

The New Zealand Courts are now well versed in Forensic Technology procedures relating to matters under the Crimes Act. However, given the nuances of the “Crimes involving computers” sections, there are numerous challenges associated with establishing certain aspects of a case, such as proving ‘who’ was the person actually committing the crime, especially where there is evidence that a computer has been ‘compromised’ by an unknown party. This presentation will discuss key observations from the field and make recommendations as to how information security experts can assist in collecting, preserving, retrieving and interpreting potentially relevant evidence.

When: 8:00am Thursday 10 March 2022 via zoom

For further information and to register please see the NZSA website.