Security Licensing under Level 3
The Government announced yesterday that we will move to Level 3 at midnight on Monday 27th April. Whilst there will be minimal change under Level 3 for security providers, given we are recognised as Essential Service providers, this will free up the ability for security technicians and others in similar positions to attend non-essential customer sites for installation, service and maintenance requirements (subject to the ability to safely access customer sites).
The Registrar has advised that the PSPLA will extend the Emergency Direction covering Security Licenses for the duration of the Level 3 period. We expect to receive a copy of the Emergency Direction within the next day or two and will distribute a copy to all members. The Registrar has also confirmed that some leniency will continue to be applied to those seeking an extension on Temporary Licenses pending a return to normal training capacity for CoA’s.
We do note that most security trainers have indicated they will resume CoA training from next week, albeit with restricted trainee numbers to meet physical distancing guidelines specified by ITENZ. We recommend contacting your training provider to confirm training availability.
EMA’s 6 tips for Business in preparation for moving to Level 3 and 2
Some sound advice from the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA):
- Prepare a health and safety plan for Level 3 and Level 2 (Government will be providing templates for business use later this week).
- Make contact with your key suppliers and customers. Check on their ability to meet your supply requirements and any likely cash flow difficulties in paying accounts on due date.
- Talk to your shareholders, bank or finance company; they are there to enable you.
- Re-imagine your services to meet the market, take advantage of government funding to become more digital.
- Reorganise, re-deploy and restructure with empathy; use your networks (including Associations) to connect people.
- Keep yourself and your people healthy, mentally and physically; rest when you can.
NZSA Skills for Industry Programme
We would like to remind our members that the NZSA Skills for Industry Programme has been expanded to include placing non-MSD candidates into employment. With the current financial uncertainty facing a significant number of businesses and many workers facing displacement and redundancy, we are receiving a high level of candidate interest in security positions from a broad range of industry sectors and skill bases.
If you have a need for staff, please contact Andrea on [email protected] or 0274 502020 and let her know your requirements.
Stay safe and keep well.
From the NZSA team.