NZSA Covid-19 Security Update – Essential Services, Wage Subsidy & PPE

Please find detailed below latest information provided by government agencies. We note that latest guidance may differ from earlier communications and that members need to be aware of policy updates.


Essential Services

Security Services are defined as essential services however latest guidance states “Undertaking routine maintenance and supply of non essential resources would not constitute essential service, however providers can maintain and sustain a minimum capability to respond to urgent requests for supplies and/or repairs to key infrastructure. For any businesses that are designated as essential, or asked to maintain and sustain a minimum capacity, it is expected that strict protocols are in place for health and safety measures and contact tracing”.

Our interpretation is that guard, patrol and monitoring services are not impacted however approved security technician duties exclude routine maintenance and non essential installations.


Employer Wage Subsidy

Changes to the Wage Subsidy were introduced on the 27th March and included the removal of the Leave Payment Scheme. The rationale for this was that the scheme was originally set up when few people were in self isolation and was no longer fit for purpose.

This has however left a significant void in that funding to cover the wage cost of staff either in self isolation or directly impacted by Covid-19 is only available to businesses who have experienced at least a 30% drop in income.

Government has advised that is is aware of the issue and is working on arrangements for those in essential work who require sick leave due to Covid-19 and will be announcing further measures to cover this in coming days.

We are aware that this impacts onto many of our members and will provide an update as soon as it is available.

We also remind members who have experienced a significant drop in work volumes that financial support is readily available and full details, including claim forms, are available on the MSD website.



Members will be aware from the press coverage that this is a continuing area of frustration with incoming supplies being prioritised toward front-line health care workers.

The new government agency being overseen by previous Air NZ CEO Rob Ffyfe is setting up a website detailing suppliers of PPE and current stock levels and encouraging essential service providers to place orders on a controlled supply basis. It was indicated the site would be up and running by today however details are not available at the time of this communication. Again we will relay details to our members on receipt.

Stay safe and keep well.

From the NZSA team.