
NZSA Saved a Life Medal recipient

We are thrilled to announce another recipient of the NZSA Saved a Life Medal. The calibre of the nominations has been outstanding and we’d like to congratulate the following recipient, whose story is below.

NZSA Saved a Life Medal

Josh Beckham, Allied Security

To make a nomination please see the NZSA website.

Saved a Life Medal recipients


Josh Beckham, Allied Security
For operational and legal reasons we need to treat specific details of this incident in confidence however on the 2nd June at approximately 3.30am, Josh was alerted to an incident involving an aggravated assault on one of his team.

Whilst Josh was off duty at the time, he attended the site within five minutes and found the guard had suffered injuries to his jaw, throat area and eye sockets and was experiencing breathing difficulties. Josh provided initial first aid, kept the guard conscious during the 20 minute wait for the arrival of emergency services and eventually accompanied the guard when transferred to hospital in a critical state.

During this time Josh also provided status updates to the local Operations Manager and the site customer.

We are also pleased to advise that the injured guard has fully recovered from the injuries sustained.



NZSA update – launch of National Security Strategy

For those who may have missed it, the government announced New Zealand’s first National Security Strategy last week.

This is an important document that responds to the more challenging environment that we see day to day across the nation and around the world. This goes some way in recognising that the threat landscape has not only shifted, but also the importance of building public awareness of the confronting risks.

The document is available for download on the NZSA website.

From the NZSA team.

NZSA training update – Protective Security Core Skills programme now available

The Protective Security Core Skills Training programme has been developed by Quinton Swanson (Q) from Hard Target who is one of New Zealand’s leading security training experts and was instrumental in the original development of the Mandatory Training that is a pre-requirement for obtaining a Certificate of Approval as a Security Officer.

The foundation programme is designed to provide comprehensive “refresher training” and to further develop the competencies and skills of those in security officer roles. It covers understanding of legislation, tactical communication, body language and projection, weapon awareness, team work and tactical awareness.

To enrol please visit the NZSA Training Hub.

From the NZSA team.

NZSA update – PSPLA decision re displaying security identification badges (ID’s)

The PSPLA was recently asked by the Police for clarity around S67 of the Act which requires security guards to wear their security identification badges (ID’s) in a readily visible place. The Police also sought guidelines on the effect of S67(4) of the Act which exempts a private security worker from wearing their ID if they reasonably believe that wearing it will threaten their safety or the safety of any other person.

The questions arose in the context of a complaint where it was found that the owner of a security company had advised his staff to wear their ID’s in a visible position but with their certificate number taped over due to safety concerns.

The full decision can be read on the PSPLA website, but key out-takes from the decision are:

  • To comply with S67 of the Act the ID must be displayed so its front is visible, and it must not have its unique identifier or any of the other information blanked out or taped over.
  • Unless there is a real or significant threat to the safety of the certificate holder, S67(4) does not provide a legitimate exemption from the requirement for security guards working as crowd controllers at licenced premises or events to wear their ID’s in a position that is clearly visible.
  • Any intentional failure by a security guard to display their ID in a reasonably visible position contravenes the Act. This could amount to an offence under the Act and misconduct.

From the NZSA Team

NZSA Newsletter – July 2023


Welcome to our July 2023 newsletter.

I recently spent several days manning our stand at the Facilities Integrate expo including BuildNZ and The National Safety Show.

The number of security exhibitors was slightly down on last year, but it was pleasing to see that the foot traffic was up significantly and many of the attendees were key decision makers within their organisations. General feedback from the exhibitors was very positive however there was also strong feedback that there has been a noticeable slow-down in the wider economy and with many larger contracts – particularly within the government (national and local body) sectors – being put on hold or even withdrawn. That certainly aligns with recent surveys showing a decline in business confidence and the general sentiment that we are in for some tough times ahead.

I appreciate that my report this month is rather comprehensive but hopefully provides some evidence of the work that we are currently engaged in on behalf of the industry and our stakeholders.


FPA (Fair Pay Agreements) update
This is a very significant issue for the industry and one that we are spending a lot of time on. As one of the first industries to navigate the new FPA legislation it is very evident that the process and the obligations on all parties are administratively complex and will almost certainly result in unintended consequences.

We have issued a number of updates to members and established a sperate mailing database for those who are directly impacted by the FPA coverage and that we will use for more detailed information – particularly if we do proceed to bargaining.

If you do have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly to discuss on either [email protected] or 021 1229606.


Changes to NZSA Board
We have recently had some changes to our board with the resignation of Caroline Halton (Cityguard Security) following her accepting a new position outside of the security industry, and the secondment of two new board members, Nicky Jones (Independent representative, self-employed) and Teresa Seux (General Manager Human Resources, Advanced Security Group).

Nicky and Teresa bring specialist strategic management, human resources and industrial engagement skills to the board and they have been seconded through to the 2024 AGM where they will be required to re-stand for election.


Saved a Life Medal recipient
Congratulations to our latest recipient of the Saved a Life Medal, Thomas Tofilau, from Armourguard in Auckland.

To see the full story of Thomas’s heroic actions, please see the NZSA website.

We also remind our members, and wider public, that nominations can be submitted via the NZSA website.


Launch of new Member Benefit Programme
Our member benefit programmes provide an important opportunity for our members to source frequently used services through quality providers and at preferential rates.

We are pleased to introduce two new member benefit programmes from July.

Please refer later in this newsletter for details of our newly launched programmes with the following partner organisations – Strategic Defence and GuardhouseHQ.


Conclusion of MSD SFI (Skills for Industry) Programme
It is with regret that I advise that our Skills for Industry Work Broker Programme with MSD concluded on 30 June.

The NZSA was the first industry association to partner with MSD some six years ago and in the proceeding years we have placed in excess of 600 MSD candidates into full-time employment with our members.

Unfortunately, the changing employment conditions have severely impacted onto the placement numbers being generated through the SFI programme and hence the financial viability for industry associations such as the NZSA.

We provided notice to MSD that we would not renew our contract this year and that prompted MSD to reassess their strategic direction and to bypass industry screening providers and to use their internal teams to work directly with employers.

The good news is that funding is now allocated directly to employers and where candidates who meet MSD specified criteria are employed, the employer can apply for the Flexi-wage Subsidy.

Employers can list vacancies and access their free recruitment services by calling 0800 778008.


NZSA Training Hub
We are very pleased to advise we will be including the Foundation Security Core Skills Training programme to the resources and materials available on the NZSA Training Hub which will be launched soon.

The Foundation Security Core Skills Training programme has been developed by Quinton Swanson (Q) from Hard Target who is one of New Zealand’s leading security training experts and was instrumental in the original development of the Mandatory Training that is a pre-requirement for obtaining a Certificate of Approval as a Security Officer.

The foundation programme is designed to provide comprehensive “refresher training” and to further develop the competencies and skills of those in security officer roles.

We will send updates once we’re ready to launch.


Update for Employment Agreements
The Employment Relations (Extended Time for Personal Grievance for Sexual Harassment) Amendment Act 2023 came into force on 13 June.

We recommend that members include the following wording into their employment agreements, ideally located in the “personal grievance” section of the agreement.

Personal Grievances
If the problem is a personal grievance for sexual harassment, then you must raise it within 12 months of when the facts that give rise to the grievance occur or come to your attention. In respect of other personal grievance, then you must raise it with the Employer within 90 days of when the facts that give rise to the grievance occur or come to your attention. A personal grievance can only be raised outside the applicable time frame (12 months or 90 days) with agreement of the Employer or in exceptional circumstances.


Application for inclusion of Security Technicians on Green List
We have recently submitted an application to MBIE seeking the inclusion of Security Technicians onto the Green List as part of their annual review of approved roles.

From our initial feedback, we have met the qualifying criteria and have cause for confidence pending the publication of the updated Green List, scheduled for late July.

We will certainly keep members posted on any news.


Security Technician Training Options
We recently distributed an update on the training qualification options available for Electronic Security staff and including available funding options.


New Zealand Certificate in Security (NZCiS) Level 3 training options
We recently distributed an update on the NZCiS Level 3 qualification from Te Pukenga and confirming cost ($150), duration (10 months), content and delivery (online LMS).

We also note that NZSA member PTE’s Ignite College and Stratcom are also delivering the NZCiS Level 3 Qualification – contact details can be found on the NZSA website.


Filming in Public Places (Security Good Practice Guideline)
Earlier this year we were approached by one of our members seeking guidance on the law surrounding the filming of staff whilst they are providing crowd control or security services as part of their role.

As we are all aware, the filming of security staff has become very common place. Most members of the public have immediate access to mobile phones with high quality filming capability and other technologies such as Go-Pro, Dash-cam and drones, meaning that security staff should be aware that their actions are likely to be recorded at any time.

It is important that security operators and their staff have knowledge of the law surrounding the use of mobile phones and similar devices for filming in public places. Security staff also need to be aware of, and to be trained, in the practices that should be followed to ensure that they act legally and professionally when filmed by members of the public.

We have included a section headed “Managing public filming whilst providing Crowd Control duties in public spaces” within the Security Services Good Practice Guideline that can be accessed on our website – click here to view.


New Zealand Security Awards event
The NZSA team has been very busy with planning arrangements for this years NZ Awards Event to be held on the evening of Friday 15 September at the iconic Te Pae Events Centre in Christchurch.

This will be our third attempt at holding the event in Christchurch with the last two events cancelled due to Covid restrictions. Fingers and toes are all crossed for this year!

Make sure you have the date in your diary and look out for information coming out shortly with regards to the nomination process across the 19 award categories and booking details.


As always, we welcome all comments and feedback on NZSA or industry issues and activity.

Keep safe and well.

Kind Regards
Gary Morrison


NZSA / Security Industry updates

Foundation Security Core Skills – new training course coming soon
Created by Quinton Swanson of Hard Target, this course covers understanding of legislation, tactical communication, body language and projection, weapon awareness, teamwork and tactical awareness. We will announce the launch soon.


3G sunset – impact on security alarm monitoring
The security alarm monitoring landscape in New Zealand has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. The upgrades to the PSTN network have made it largely unsuitable for a multitude of security alarms. As a result, many alarms have migrated to IP and GSM monitoring paths. However, another challenge is on the horizon with the upcoming closure of the Vodafone 3G network in August 2024.

It is crucial for alarm installers to recognize the implications of the 3G sunset and take proactive measures to plan module upgrades for their clients well in advance.


International Security Officers’ Day
International Security Officers’ Day, celebrated on 24 July, is an opportunity to say thank you to Security Officers for keeping us safe 24/7.

Celebrating International Security Officers’ Day is simple. As an individual you can acknowledge any Security Officers you see on the day by smiling and saying thank you.

For security companies and customers there is a range of things you can do, here’s a few suggestions:

  • Send an email to your staff acknowledging the day and to thank them for their service.
  • Organise a morning tea or make a site visit to say thank you in person.
  • Mention Security Officers’ Day on your social media with a thanks to your staff.

On behalf of the NZSA team we would like to say a big thank you to all security officers and acknowledge the great work that you do keeping us safe.


New Zealand Security Awards 2023
The New Zealand Security Awards this year will be held on Friday 15 September at Te Pae Convention Centre, Christchurch.

We will announce when nominations and event registrations open in July.

We have two accommodation deals, book now to secure your early bird price:

Crowne Plaza Christchurch

Accor Group – Ibis Christchurch & Novotel Christchurch


Partner updates

Ringa Hora training survey
Ringa Hora have created a survey regarding the upcoming standard review and development of skills standards. It is a short survey with three questions.

To complete the survey please click HERE.


Waihanga Ara Rau
There is a desperate need for skilled data cablers across many industry sectors (including electronic security) however there’s no formal, entry level training for the data cabling industry.

Waihanga Ara Rau is currently bringing together a number of technical specialists to help develop a new entry-level cabling qualification and new skills standards.

If any NZSA member has appropriately skilled staff with an interest in joining the TAG (Technical Advisory Group) that will give guidance on the qualification and skills standards, please contact Sue Joyce on [email protected].



How recovery at work benefits your business

People are key to business success, so when an injury happens, it can have a big impact.

New ACC resources explain the benefits of recovery at work for an injured person, your team, and your business, including:

  • hanging on to your employee’s skills and expertise
  • saving on recruiting and training new staff
  • helping to build a positive work environment
  • showing a commitment to employee wellbeing.

Find out about recovery at work.


Your ACC Invoice will be available from July 2023 – Get more control of your ACC account with MyACC for Business

It’s easy to manage your ACC account with their digital self-service platform, MyACC for Business.

Whether you want to access information about your employees’ work-related claims, view and pay your levy invoice, get your invoices by email, or use live chat to talk to a customer service representative, MyACC for Business provides you with a fast and secure way to manage your ACC account online.

Join the hundreds of thousands of other businesses who have already made the move online and visit MyACC for Business to sign up. All you’ll need is your ACC or IR number and email address.


It’s time to check your ACC details are correct

If you’re an employer, you’ll receive your ACC levy invoice from July onwards. Checking and updating your policy details now in MyACC for Business will mean that you get invoiced the right amount.

What do you need to check?

ACC uses the below details to calculate your levy, so you need to make sure they’re correct.

  • Classification Unit (CU)
  • Provisional Payroll estimate
  • Employment status – are you working full or part time, or have you ceased trading?

It’s also a good time to check your contact details are correct and that your communications preference is set to “email”. For more information on ACC levy invoicing for 2023 visit the ACC website.


MBIE – Brave in Business e-learning
Do you want to work smarter, run your business more effectively and improve your mental and physical wellbeing?

Introducing MBIE’s new e-learning series, Brave in Business.

The micro-courses will help you learn to focus on what matters most to you and your business so that you can make the most of your time and energy. Brought to you in partnership with Spark Business Lab.

For further information please visit the MBIE website.



Women’s leadership scholarships
Women & Leadership New Zealand is currently offering professional development scholarships for the NZSA staff and members. The scholarships are open to women across all areas of the security sector, and we encourage you to share this opportunity with your members.

Women & Leadership New Zealand (WLNZ) supports women at all levels across all sectors and industries. Our career-defining leadership programs bring together a focus on applied learning with the latest in leadership theory and practice. We believe that advancing gender equity, especially in leadership, is central to creating a more fair and inclusive society.

For further information please visit the WLNZ website.


NZSA Membership

We welcome the following new Corporate Member:

Stratcom Security

and the following new Associate Individual Members:

Gavin Clark

Graham Free

Houssam Albaba



Simprosium Roadshow
The Simprosium Roadshow is coming soon to Australia and New Zealand.

We have not one, but FOUR events where you can connect, hear advice from local experts and find out what’s in the works at Simpro.

This full-day event will be attended by 100+ trade business owners and leaders sharing their expert insights on the trades.

You’ll enjoy:

🎫  A sponsor expo to meet our expert Simpro partners

🎫  Live demos of Simpro’s newest and upcoming features

🎫  Forming new relationships during breakout sessions Simpro’s Sundowner event

NZSA Members can SAVE 20% on the registration with the code NASA20! Grab your tickets now for a full day of talking and learning everything trades and field services.

Register here.

We can’t wait to see you there!

🎫  Auckland, New Zealand | 21 September

🎫  Brisbane, Australia | 5 October

🎫  Melbourne, Australia | 10 October

🎫  Sydney, Australia | 12 October



COA Conflict Management Training – Train the Trainer and Refresher Training for Trainers
As the industry peak body, the NZSA has appointed Bespoke Security Group and Hard Target to deliver the Conflict Management Refresher Training programmes around the country. These providers are subject matter experts in their own right and will ensure that those who are approved to deliver the Conflict Management Training meet necessary standards.

The next training is being conducted by Bespoke Security Group in Mt Wellington, Auckland in late July.

To register your interest please email [email protected].

Please note: the Conflict Management Refresher course includes assessment activity.


NZISF breakfast meeting

Topic:  Share or not to share: investigator factors that influence Cyber Security Intelligence Sharing (CIS) across organisations in New Zealand

This study investigates the factors that influence cybersecurity intelligence sharing (CIS) across organisations. Although CIS helps organisations protect their critical information assets, manage cyber risks, and improve cyber operations, there is still limited information available regarding the factors that influence the adoption of CIS within organisations in New Zealand. By synthesising relevant literature on cybersecurity intelligence sharing and conducting interviews with cybersecurity professionals in New Zealand, we deconstructed the concept of CIS and developed a theoretical framework that can explain the current state of CIS in New Zealand.

When: 8:00am Thursday 13 July 2023 via zoom

For further information and to register please see NZISF.


Member Benefits

Strategic Defence
We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Strategic Defence.

Strategic Defence provides specialist protective products to members of the security industry. These products include stab/ballistic vests, boots, fog-free protective eyewear, hand-held metal detectors, flashlights, and many more. NZSA members qualify for between 10-20% discount. Expert advice, support, and unmatched service.

For more information see the Strategic Defence website.


We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Guardhouse.

Guardhouse is an end-to-end workforce management system custom built for NZ security companies. Founded in Australia, Guardhouse is Australia’s leading security specific workforce solution, bringing our product innovation and unique workflow optimisation to the NZ market saving our clients both time and money. Our values that drive your success are customer obsessed, developing unique partnerships, simple yet powerful product design and consistent innovation and R&D.

Some of the funcationality includes, Rostering, Time & Attendance, Payroll & Invoicing + integration to accounting and payroll systemts, Welfare Checks, Incident Reporitng, Compliance Management, Company and Site SOPs with digitial signiture, Customer Portal Access, Tours and Patorls module and much more.

For more information see the Guardhouse website and blog.


NZSA HR Advisory Service
A reminder to members that SuccessHR are human resource consultants available for any employment support regarding your employees.

Support offered at no expense to our members is telephone communication support eg. disciplinary, performance. You also have access to individual employment agreements. Any additional support would be charged to you accordingly.

For any support or further information please contact:

Susan Beange
Human Resources Team Lead
[email protected]
021 929 528

Emma Johnston
Human Resources Specialist
[email protected]
021 659 456


Building Networks Compliance Guidance
Building Networks are the leading authority on building compliance and they are offering a 20% discount for members.

For industry news, updates, tips and opinions from the frontline, sign up to the Building Networks newsletter or visit their YouTube channel.


NZSA have an agreement with Mobilcard offering members fuel discounts

Key Benefits:

  • Up to 16 cents per litre (including GST) discount off the pump price for all diesel and petrol purchased at a discounted Mobilcard acceptor sites. Minimum discount of 12 cents per litre (including GST).
  • Available at 330+ sites nationwide. View to find an acceptor site near you.
  • No card or transaction fees.
  • No need to manage receipts for tax purposes, all managed under one account.
  • Costs can be tracked easily with one monthly invoice. You can also have online access to multiple reports including the fuel consumed by individual vehicles.
  • PIN number and purchase restrictions for added security.
  • You must be a member of the NZSA to qualify for this offer.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using a discount of up to 6 cents per litre = $6 discount per week..

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using the NZSA MOBILCARD discount of up to 16cents per litre = $16 discount per week

For a company fleet of 20 vehicles that’s potentially an annual saving of over $10,000 per annum.

The discount level is dependent on volume of fuel used per annum.

For further information please email [email protected].


First Aid and Refresher Training
Life Care Consultants have extensive experience with first aid training in the security industry and are offering NZSA members a 10% discount on all first aid and refresher training.

For further information please email Russell Taylor [email protected].


Keeping your team up to date

Like many organisations we are constantly looking for ways to ensure we can communicate effectively with our members and their teams. The best way to stay up to date on NZSA and industry news is via our newsletter. The more people from each company who receive our newsletter, the higher the chance of updates being communicated within the industry.

With this in mind, we welcome you to send us any company contacts who would like to receive our newsletter and we will add them to our distribution list.

Please email any contacts to [email protected].


NZSA member referral – strength in numbers

NZSA’s membership has grown strongly over the past year and each new member not only strengthens the Association and the security community, it also enables us to provide you with more benefits and services and a greater voice for the industry. So help grow your community and strengthen your Association by referring a prospective new member.

To refer a prospective member please email details to [email protected]. For details on member benefits please see the NZSA website.

NZSA update – Qualification options for Electronic Security Staff

There are several course options available to employees looking to obtain NZQA qualifications relevant to their employment as Security Technicians.

New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology (Level 3)

Course Outline
This course is for learners wanting to progress within the electronic security industry as either an installer or serviceperson and is an intermediate step towards the Level 4 Certificate in Electronic Security.
On completion leaners will be able to install and maintain data networks and security systems or service and repair security, access control and surveillance equipment and systems at a non-complex level.
Learners who enrol in the Installation Strand will be able to:

  • Undertake the installation, maintenance, restoration, scoping and connectivity of efficient, reliable, and secure security, access control and surveillance systems and hardware.
  • Operate as technicians at intermediate level under indirect supervision.

Learners who enrol in the Service Strand will be able to:

  • Diagnose, repair and service security systems and equipment at a non-complex level and supervise electrical workers.
  • They will also be able to undertake the EWRB EASQ examination.

Course Structure
Trainees must be working in the industry and should allow 18 months part-time for completion.
The course is based on blended learning and comprises 11 modules of online theory learning and practical learning.

Course Cost and Funding
The course cost is $49.90 per week (GST Inclusive).
Learners may be eligible for Fees Free – check eligibility on
The Level 3 does not qualify for Apprenticeship Boost as it only has 95 credits. Apprenticeships require a minimum of 120 credits.

For more information

New Zealand Certificate in Electronic Security (Level 4)
Course Outline
This apprenticeship is appropriate for the following learners:

  • Seeking a career in Electronic Security and have the knowledge, motivation and capacity to commit to 3 years of study (assuming do not hold the Level 3 qualification)
  • Have completed the New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology Level 3 and looking to further develop their skills and knowledge.
  • Experienced Security Technicians who wish to reflect their skills and knowledge into a formal qualification.

Topics covered within the New Zealand Certificate in Electronic Security (Level 4) include:

  • Professional and technical knowledge for emerging and converging technologies
  • Advanced health and safety
  • Installation of cable support systems
  • Theory of electronic security system design
  • Theory and development of data networking to support electronic security systems
  • Advanced application of stakeholder engagement principles
  • Diagnosis and repair of faulty electronic security systems
  • Develop solutions for electronic security intruder alarm systems

Course Structure
Trainees should allow 3 years for completion, or 2 years if they already hold the New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology (Level 3).
The course provides blended learning with 15 modules covering both online theory learning and practical learning.
The qualification has a total of 190 credits, exceeding the minimum 120 credits required to be considered as an apprenticeship.

Course Cost and Funding
The course cost is $49.90 per week GST inclusive.
Learners may be eligible for Fees Free – check eligibility on
The course qualifies as an Apprenticeship and employers may be eligible for Apprenticeship Boost (see eligibility criteria below).

Apprenticeship Boost
Employers of an apprentice in their first year of apprenticeship training will be eligible for $500 support per month, for a maximum period of 24 months.
To be eligible for the Apprenticeship Boost, an apprentice must:

  • Be enrolled and engaged in a Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) approved and funded New Zealand Apprenticeship or Managed Apprenticeship,
  • Be actively training through a Transitional Industry Training Organisation (TITO) or a provider,
  • Have completed no more than 24 months in a TEC approved apprenticeship that is the same or similar.

Check eligibility on

For more information

Important guidance for employers
Many employers will be tempted to enrol learners straight into the Level 4 apprenticeship programme based on the availability of the Apprenticeship Boost funding.
Unfortunately, this does not take into account the tasks performed by the learner and their capability to take on reasonably complex learning. Where the role involves familiar and repetitive tasks, and under a degree of supervision, the Level 3 course may be more appropriate.
Employers will need to carefully assess if their staff can achieve a Level 4 qualification and that they can commit for the duration of 3 years. An important consideration for this is the level of support that the employer will be able to provide to the learner on an on-going basis.
In all instances E-tec conduct a pre-enrolment interview with the employer and the learner. This ensures that the best course options are determined based on all factors above.

We also remind employers that for those employees who are new to work, or inexperienced in the electronic security industry, they can undertake the Entry Level Security Technician Foundation Training programme developed by the NZSA as a stepping stone towards enrolling in the NZCiES Level 3 qualification. For more information see the NZSA Training Hub.

For more information contact Lafo Siaosi Opa [email protected] or 021 873 183.

From the NZSA team.

Axis Communications announces its New Zealand winners of the Oceania Partner Awards 2023

Earlier this month, Axis Communications announced the New Zealand winners of its Oceania Partner Awards 2023 at its annual Partner Summit in Alice Springs. These awards honour and celebrate the accomplishments of Axis’ partners in the region who have made significant contributions to enhancing security and advancing business operations in the past year.

By delivering reliable and trusted network solutions, Axis’ New Zealand partners have continued to help their customers succeed and have played a pivotal role in bolstering the company’s reputation as a leading security solutions provider. The winners of this year’s awards have distinguished themselves as pioneers in innovation, selected for their unwavering dedication to delivering superior product offerings.


Wai King Wong, Regional Director for Oceania at Axis Communications, said: “We recognise and highly value the ongoing commitment of our partners and are proud to thank not only the award winners but also the entire partner network for their contributions over the past year. Our New Zealand partners continue to be a key part of our success in the region and their success in delivering cutting-edge security solutions is a testament to the strength of our partnerships. Through working collaboratively with our partners, we have navigated the challenges posed by the fast-paced technology landscape and developed innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of our end customers.”


Boudewijn Pesch, Vice President of APAC at Axis Communications, said: “We are pleased to announce Oceania Partner Award winners for this year, recognising the wonderful achievements of partners in the region and their role in achieving our mission of innovating for a smarter, safer world. Collaborating with our partners has allowed us to stay at the forefront of technology, enabling us to drive exceptional results for our customers in the region and maintain our position as a leader in the industry.”


The full list of Oceania award winners, inclusive of Australia and New Zealand, is as follows:


Top Partner Winners by Region

  • NSW and ACT partner: JD Security
  • QLD and NT partner: Link Enterprise Solutions
  • VIC, TAS and SA partner: Securitas
  • WA partner: SEME Solutions
  • New Zealand partner: Advanced Security Group
  • Oceania region partner: ARA Security
  • Fastest growing partner in Australia: Fortis Security
  • Fastest growing partner in New Zealand: Datacom


Top Winners by Category

  • Retail segment partner Australia: PMT Security
  • Retail segment partner New Zealand: Advanced Security Group
  • Retail partner within multi-site deployments Australia: JD Security
  • Government segment partner Australia: Optic Security
  • Government segment partner New Zealand: Chubb
  • Critical infrastructure partner Australia: Royal Eagle
  • Critical infrastructure partner New Zealand: Advanced Security Group
  • Smart cities segment partner Australia: Chubb
  • Smart cities segment partner New Zealand: Advanced Security Group
  • Banking segment partner Australia: ARA Security
  • Banking segment partner New Zealand: Securitek
  • Transportation segment partner Australia: Securitas
  • Transportation segment partner Australia: Datacom


Special Partner Award Winners

  • Axis intercoms partner: Convirgint
  • E2E champion partner: JD Security


Top Distributor Winners

  • Top distributor Australia: Dicker Data
  • Top distributor New Zealand: Sektor
  • Most resilient distributor of the year: Anixter
  • Fastest growing distributor in Australia: VSP Solutions
  • Fastest growing distributor in New Zealand: Sektor
  • E2E distributor Australia: Dicker Das
  • E2E distributor New Zealand: Sektor


Hall of Fame

  • Dean Monaghan: Convergint
  • Paul Crawford: JD Security
  • Anthony Brooks: Geuterbruck


About Axis Communications
Axis enables a smarter and safer world by creating solutions for improving security and business performance. As a network technology company and industry leader, Axis offers solutions in video surveillance, access control, intercom, and audio systems. They are enhanced by intelligent analytics applications and supported by high-quality training.

Axis has around 4,000 dedicated employees in over 50 countries and collaborates with technology and system integration partners worldwide to deliver customer solutions. Axis was founded in 1984, and the headquarters are in Lund, Sweden​.

NZSA Newsletter – May 2023


Welcome to our May 2023 newsletter.

I’m sure that like me you will be wondering where this year is disappearing to!

Before documenting some of the more important developments within the industry, I would just like to take the opportunity to thank all of those NZSA members who have renewed their membership for the 2023/2024 year. I appreciate that many businesses are finding conditions challenging at the moment and it certainly validates our efforts to provide value, and the worth of a strong and effective peak body, when we see an exceptional level of renewal.


FPA (Fair Pay Agreement) update

As we have reported in earlier communications, Etū has formally applied to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to commence the process of bargaining a Fair Pay Agreement (FPA) for Security Guards/Officers.

It is important to note that the application is for an occupation based FPA (being Security Guards/Officers) rather than industry based, which would have entailed excluding non-relevant roles.

Whilst the application was filed in late March, the reality is that the process will take quite some time.

On receipt of the application MBIE needs to verify and validate that the application meets all legislative requirements, including contacting at least 25% of the 1000 plus workers who signed in support of the application. As an indication, earlier applications have taken about four months to complete this phase.

MBIE then has to ensure that the proposed coverage clause is clear and if required, may seek public feedback on the application.

Once the application has been approved, MBIE will liaise with the respective bargaining parties (Etū for employees and NZSA for employers) and the parties will have a three-month window in which to formalise their respective bargaining teams. Only at that time can bargaining commence and, in our estimation, it is unlikely that this will occur prior to early 2024.

It should also be noted that both National and Act have stated they will repeal the FPA legislation if in government following the election in October this year.

This is a significant issue for the industry, and we will ensure that we provide comprehensive updates as required.


PSPLA processing delays

The PSPLA has advised that they have experienced recent processing delays with CoA applications and renewals. The issue related to glitches in the IT Case Management System which created a significant backlog. The issues have been addressed and we are advised that applications for Temporary Licences are back to being processed within two working days of receipt and full CoA applications within 6 to 7 working days, providing there are no objections, and the applicant passes the criminal history check.

Should any further issues occur, the PSPLA has committed to posting alerts on their website and emailing the NZSA and larger security companies advising of the delay and outlining what can be done for urgent applications that need processing.


Schedule 6A – Vulnerable Workers (employer obligations)

On 1 July 2021 changes were made to the Employment Relations Order 2021 that extended Part 6A Protections to Security Officers.

Under these protections, if a business is sold, transferred or contracted out to another employer, or if the business lost the security contract or the client decides to move the security function in-house:

  • Continuity of employment: security officers can choose to transfer their employment to the new employer.
  • The same employment conditions: security officers can keep their existing terms and conditions, and any types of leave that they may have left, as if there was no change of employer.
  • Security officers can also decide not to transfer to the new employer, but this could mean they may be made redundant by the original employer.

We remind employers that it is a legal requirement that they comply with the legislation and that failure to do so may result in prosecution and significant penalties.

If employers are uncertain of the requirements, I strongly recommend that you contact us on [email protected] and request a copy of the restricted document Member Guidance for Part 6A Vulnerable Workers – Transfer of Undertaking – Best Practice Guideline.

Members support School Career Pathways promotion

In our last newsletter we mentioned that representatives from Red Badge Group and Alarm Solutions 2002 were attending a “speed dating careers event” at St Bede’s College in Christchurch.

Feedback from those in attendance has been very positive and with significant interest in security career opportunities being registered by a large number of students.

Developing School Gateway Program

We are pleased to advise that we are currently forming a partnership with The Learning Place training organisation to provide an opportunity for Year 13 secondary students to gain work in the security industry, including both the protective security and electronic security sectors.

Students will complete their CoA and additional health and safety training before undertaking work experience with an NZSA member. Conditions will be applied to ensure compliance from a licensing perspective.

This is a great opportunity for students to gain a valuable insight into the security industry and a great opportunity for NZSA members to provide work experience and potentially an opportunity to recruit new people to their business.

We look forward to keeping you posted as we move towards launching the program.

Delivery of NZCiS (New Zealand Certificate in Security) Level 3

We recently distributed an update from Te Pūkenga detailing the delivery of the NZCiS Level 3 qualification – Te Pūkenga information.

This is a great opportunity for employers to develop and upskill their staff and we encourage our members to contact Sean Hennessy on [email protected] for more information.

For clarification – the delivery excludes the Mandatory/CoA Training and employers can still conduct this training through existing PTE relationships however the training will not be funded.


NZSA and MSD Contract for placement of entry level Security Technicians

In our last newsletter we announced that the NZSA had entered into a short-term trial contract with MSD targeting the placement of candidates on the Job Seeker Benefit into full-time employment as entry level Security Technicians. As part of the support being provided, the NZSA will be able to use contract funding to provide successful candidates with a laptop, a comprehensive range of tools, work boots and enrolment into the Foundation Training programme for entry level Security Technicians.

Our first placement under the contract commenced employment with ICE Security in early March and has excelled in his role (see photo below).

To date we have identified a further 7 potential candidates and from feedback received, a number of those candidates are currently progressing with interviews and will hopefully receive employment offers in the coming weeks.


NZSA Online Training Hub

A reminder to members, and wider industry, that the NZSA Online Training Hub is live and can be accessed via the NZSA website.

Training resources currently available on the Training Hub are:

  • Literacy and Numeracy Modules
  • Electronic Security Good Practice
  • Foundation Entry Level Security Technician Training Programme

We are currently looking to include a Foundation Training Programme for Security Officers and will have more information on this within the next month.


NZSA Saved a Life Medal

We were thrilled to announce our inaugural winners of the NZSA Saved a Life Medal last month.

Congratulations to:

  • Leitualamavae Vaa and Shelley Herbert from Armourguard Security
  • Lily Wilson from Alpha Security

Also congratulations our Highly Commended recipient Mike Fairbrother from Alarm Solutions.

To read the full story of their outstanding efforts see the NZSA website.

We also remind our members that nominations can be submitted via the NZSA website.


OSPA (Outstanding Security Professional Awards)

The OSPA’s awards event was held during April and our congratulations to the following award winners:

Outstanding Contract Security Manager/Director
Nathan Cray – Global Security Solutions

Outstanding Contract Security Company (Guarding)
FIRST Security

Outstanding Security Consultant
Lee Ashton – Optic Security Group

Outstanding New Security Product
Responda – FIRST Security

Outstanding Security Partnership
IAG, Repairhub and Aotea Security

Outstanding Security Officer
Tua Iro – P4G Security

Outstanding Young Security Professional
Miranda Cannon – Red Badge Group

Outstanding Female Security Professional
Natasha Pennell – FIRST Security

Lifetime Achievement
David Horsburgh

I have been asked by several of our members why the NZSA supports a rival awards event and whether it is intended that the OSPA’s will eventually replace the New Zealand Security Awards event hosted by the NZSA.

The NZSA is committed to promoting a thriving security industry that operates professionally and ethically, where best practice and continuous improvement are recognised and rewarded, and where our employees are provided with opportunity and professional development. For those reasons we fully support all opportunities to celebrate the achievements and successes of those who work within the security industry and our view is that events such as the OSPA’s complement our efforts rather than being a competitor.

I can also assure our members that the New Zealand Security Awards event will only get bigger and better! We will continue to host the awards event at a date later in the year (normally September or October) and will take the hosting to regions outside of Auckland every second year. The New Zealand Security Awards also feature significantly more award categories with a stronger focus on the individuals providing the service.

On that note, please ensure that you have 15th September locked into your diary for this year’s Awards event being held at the stunning Te Pae Events Centre in Christchurch.

As always, we welcome all comments and feedback on NZSA or industry issues and activity.

Keep safe and well.

Kind Regards
Gary Morrison


NZSA HR Advisory Service

A reminder to members that SuccessHR are human resource consultants available for any employment support regarding your employees.

Support offered at no expense to our members is telephone communication support eg. disciplinary, performance. You also have access to individual employment agreements. Any additional support would be charged to you accordingly.

For any support or further information please contact:

Susan Beange
Human Resources Team Lead
[email protected]
021 929 528

Emma Johnston
Human Resources Specialist
[email protected]
021 659 456


NZSA Membership

We welcome the following new Corporate Member:

Vault Security Services Ltd

and the following new Associate Individual Members:

Nicole Potter

Stefano Bird



NZISF breakfast meeting

Topic:  Navigating AI-driven cyber threats: comparing traditional security practices and continuous validation

The rise of AI-driven cyber threats demands a re-evaluation of traditional security practices, such as penetration testing. We will compare these current state operations to continuous security validation, emphasizing the need for a proactive, agile approach in cybersecurity. We will explore the limitations of traditional practices and the merits of Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART), highlighting how continuous validation can identify vulnerabilities in real-time, adapt to evolving threats, and reduce response times for zero-day attacks. This will guide organisations in strengthening their security measures against sophisticated, AI-driven cyberattacks.

When: 8:00am Thursday 11 May 2023 via zoom

For further information and to register please see the NZSA website.


Member Benefits

Building Networks Compliance Guidance

Building Networks are the leading authority on building compliance and they are offering a 20% discount for members: Building Networks website

For industry news, updates, tips and opinions from the frontline, sign up to the Building Networks newsletter or visit their YouTube channel.

First Aid and Refresher Training

Life Care Consultants have extensive experience with first aid training in the security industry and are offering NZSA members a 10% discount on all first aid and refresher training.

For further information please email Russell Taylor [email protected].



NZSA have an agreement with Mobilcard offering members fuel discounts.

Key Benefits:

  • Up to 16 cents per litre (including GST) discount off the pump price for all diesel and petrol purchased at a discounted Mobilcard acceptor sites. Minimum discount of 12 cents per litre (including GST).
  • Available at 330+ sites nationwide. View to find an acceptor site near you.
  • No card or transaction fees.
  • No need to manage receipts for tax purposes, all managed under one account.
  • Costs can be tracked easily with one monthly invoice. You can also have online access to multiple reports including the fuel consumed by individual vehicles.
  • PIN number and purchase restrictions for added security.
  • You must be a member of the NZSA to qualify for this offer.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using a discount of up to 6 cents per litre = $6 discount per week.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using the NZSA MOBILCARD discount of up to 16cents per litre = $16 discount per week

For a company fleet of 20 vehicles that’s potentially an annual saving of over $10,000 per annum.

The discount level is dependent on volume of fuel used per annum.

For further information please email [email protected].



simPRO is a leading operations management solution for service, maintenance and project contractors. Connect the office to the field, delivery exceptional customer service and gain invaluable insights with automated processes, streamlined workflows and in-depth business reporting.

NZSA members are eligible to receive a 20% discount on initial implementation costs of simPRO and for the month of November two months free!

For further information visit the simPRO website.


NZSA Speak Up Line

The NZSA Speak Up Line is free to members and provides access to a confidential service where staff can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern that may be occurring in the workplace and not being reported.

Phone                 0800 775 775

Online reports

The NZSA will provide posters, business-sized card to go into wallets, stickers and introductory letters for your staff. They are designed for members to include their own corporate branding prior to distribution.

The service is particularly valuable where employees may be reluctant to speak up or report matters due to fears that by doing so it may affect their employment or risk further victimisation.

It is also important to note that such services meet government procurement requirements around providing a voice for staff.

This service is provided by Crimestoppers who obviously have considerable experience in handling sensitive calls in a confidential manner. They log the calls or online reports and forward to the NZSA for further investigation if required. The staff member can remain anonymous if they wish to do so.

Register for the NZSA Speak Up Line by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Keeping your team up to date

Like many organisations we are constantly looking for ways to ensure we can communicate effectively with our members and their teams. The best way to stay up to date on NZSA and industry news is via our newsletter. The more people from each company who receive our newsletter, the higher the chance of updates being communicated within the industry.

With this in mind, we welcome you to send us any company contacts who would like to receive our newsletter and we will add them to our distribution list.

Please email any contacts to [email protected].


NZSA member referral – strength in numbers

NZSA’s membership has grown strongly over the past year and each new member not only strengthens the Association and the security community, it also enables us to provide you with more benefits and services and a greater voice for the industry. So help grow your community and strengthen your Association by referring a prospective new member.

To refer a prospective member please email details to [email protected]. For details on member benefits please see the NZSA website.

E tū initiates Fair Pay Agreement process for Security Industry

Today E tū has formally applied to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to commence the process of bargaining a Fair Pay Agreement (FPA) for the security industry. The roles to be covered by the application have yet to be confirmed but we believe it will almost certainly include Security Guards, Crowd Controllers, Patrol Officers and Cash-in-Transit crews, and possibly Monitoring and Communication Centre Operators.

A Fair Pay Agreement would set minimum terms and conditions for all workers whose work falls within the coverage clause of the FPA.

FPA process
The process will take quite some time.  Once MBIE receives the application it will begin a process of verifying and validating the application to check it meets all legislative requirements, including a process of verifying the 1000 members, which we understand involves checking one in four of the names submitted. As an indication, it has taken about four months to do that for the applications made in December.

MBIE then has to ensure that the proposed coverage clause is clear, which may involve further discussions.  MBIE can also seek public feedback on the application.

Once the application is approved the bargaining parties have three months to form their respective bargaining sides, before the actual bargaining can commence.

It is unlikely the process would conclude before 2024.

It should also be noted that both National and Act have stated they will repeal the FPA legislation if in government following the election in October this year.

NZSA position
Whatever your view about the merits of FPAs, we will comply with our obligations under the Act and, as the industry representative body, ensure we work positively and constructively with E tū, and seek the best outcomes for our employees, employers, and the security industry.

We are well positioned to represent members and we will ensure our members and impacted employers are kept briefed on further developments.

From the NZSA Team