MLAA’s “Beware of Locksmith Scammers” Campaign

Over the past few months the number of calls received from the general Public and from Members of the Association in relation to so-called “Locksmiths Scammers” have increased dramatically.

Both A Current Affair in Australia and FairGo in New Zealand have covered this issue on National television in an effort to inform the public. International local news programs (US) and security related groups on Facebook (UK) are also publishing information around this issue.

Due to existing regulations in Australia and New Zealand, and the different approaches by the various authorities in both countries, the MLAA is limited to reporting the action by scammers to these relevant authorities (SLED, the ATO, the Office of Fair Trading, etc).

In an effort to better educate the public, and to make more people in Australia and New Zealand aware of such scam activities, the MLAA has developed the “Beware of Locksmiths Scammers” campaign.

This campaign….

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