Whilst many security businesses have been focused on reacting to an ever-changing environment, it is critical that business owners and leaders are developing plans that will ensure their business is positioned as well as possible as we head towards a post lock-down environment.
Recent surveys of SME’s (small and medium size enterprises) indicate that some 30% do not expect to be in business by the end of this year, and should that eventuate, it will place extreme pressure on all businesses, even those that are currently financially sound.
The NZSA is very pleased to announce that we have formalised an agreement with leading financial advisors Smetric to provide Cash flow Management and Business Support services to our members.
Smetric will provide the service to NZSA members, with less than 50 staff, utilising a government nationwide support package of $2,000 per business that can be applied to businesses who employ people, were financially sound pre Covid-19, are negatively affected by the virus, and who anticipate continuing in a viable manner and hiring people post Covid-19. Please note that Smetric only offer this service to selected associations and for businesses with less than 50 staff.
Smetric’s have a team of very experienced advisors and have worked with a number of security providers in recent years.
Smetric can provide fully funded advice that covers:
Financial review and cash flow forecasting
– Actions to stabilise cash flow during the lock-down and in following months
– Scenario planning for the business post lock-down and strategies in place
– Review of customer base to keep as many customers as possible and explore any quick win new opportunities
– Review supply chain and resource continuity risks and mitigation
– Review operational and capacity requirements post lock-down.
– Stabilise cash flow during and post lock-down
– Prioritise risks and quick wins
– Develop a 90-day plan to execute quickly and effectively.
Businesses have to meet a clear set of criteria and apply through the Covid-19 Business Support application process which is administered by the Regional Business Partnership Network. Smetric will guide you through this process.
For more information on Smetric and the services provided please refer to their website.
If you wish to take up this offer, please email Warwick at Smetric [email protected] and request a proposal form.
Stay safe and keep well.
From the NZSA team.