Upcoming webinars
Past webinars
Speaker Trish McConnell, Chair, Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority Topic Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority Update
The webinar will discuss the work of the PSPLA, the issues that have arisen during Covid lock downs and what is being done to address them. It will also provide tips and advice on navigating the PSPLA application, objection and emergency appointment processes.
- What does the PSPLA do?
- Covid and Omicron challenges and how they are being addressed
- Changes made to process and forms
- Emergency appointments and exemptions
- Tips in dealing with objections and complaints
- Future challenges and potential changes
- Q & A session
Speaker Bio – Trish McConnell: Trish has been the Chair of the PSPLA for 5 years. She has worked as a lawyer within New Zealand and Asia for over 40 years and in recent years has specialised in tribunal work and alternative dispute resolution.
Trish is an Australasian specialist, speaker and author on a wide range of tribunal issues. She is also the chair of the Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers and has previously chaired the Weathertight Homes Tribunal and the Tenancy Tribunal.
New 2021 Resident Visa – Immigration Update
An update on recent immigration-related changes presented by Immigration Advice New Zealand Ltd.
Time: 12:00pm to 12:45pm – 22 November 2021
Add to your calendar: NZSA Webinar – Immigration Update
Saif Shaikh – Director, Immigration Advice NZ Ltd
Martin Szeko – Client Relationship Business Partner, Immigration Advice NZ Ltd
New 2021 Resident Visa Immigration Update – 30 minutes, followed by Q&A
Speaker Bios
Saif Shaikh, director at Immigration Advice NZ Limited, is a Licensed Immigration Adviser with 15 years of experience in the immigration field. He is the Past Director of NZAMI (New Zealand Association for Migration and Investment) Board as well as an Ex-Immigration Officer/Technical Adviser.
Martin Szeko, Client relationship business partner and Licensed Immigration Adviser, regularly assists small, medium and large businesses and provides updates on immigration policies for a range of industry and business associations.
From the NZSA and ASIS teams.

Master Class in Building Compliance Security Systems (Fire and Access)
The issues around compliance for Security Systems are confusing and open to different interpretation by councils. This webinar will demystify the requirements and provide tips and advice from compliance experts. If you or your staff have any downtime during the current lockdown, this the perfect opportunity to upskill yourselves and improve your understanding of building compliance re security and fire systems.
Speaker: Rosemary Killip – Director, Building Networks NZ Ltd
– What does building compliance have to do with security
– What needs building consent and what you can just do
– Security versus egress – locking of doors
– Security smoke detection versus fire alarm
– Access control doors and compliance
– Open Q and A
Speaker Bio – Rosemary Killip:
Rosemary is an international speaker, author and training practitioner specialising in building law. She is a sought-after speaker for building conferences and a regular commentator on building compliance in New Zealand.
With substantial insider knowledge of how councils review and interpret the Building Act rules, she brings practical insights and wisdom from 25 years of working alongside building compliance staff, Council staff, building inspectors and building owners.
She is the founder and director of Building Networks NZ Ltd, New Zealand’s leading authority on building compliance.
From the NZSA and ASIS teams.
NZSA presents Employment Relations Act - Schedule 1A - extending Part 6A Protections to Security Officers
Due to changes to the Employment Relations Act, security staff will be deemed vulnerable employees from 1 July this year. This could have a significant impact on the industry. The NZSA is holding a webinar to discuss what it means to the security industry and what is required of employers to accommodate the change.
André Reynolds – Founder, Grow@ App & HR Consultant to the facilities services industry.
Strategic insights into the application of Part 6a of the Employment Relations Act (Transfer of Undertaking) or perhaps just “Part 6A: Strategic Insights” if this is a familiar term amongst the members.
On 1 July 2021 many security designations are to be included in occupations to which Part 6a applies. André will be offering insights into some of the strategic issues that emerged through the operation of this process in the commercial cleaning industry, having been exposed to this through his former role as GM People for OCS Limited and in his current work as an HR Consultant. This presentation is not a legal overview into the provisions of the Act, but rather a presentation and discussion regarding the practicalities of Part 6a, and the potential pitfalls and opportunities that these provisions may provide.
Speaker Bio
André Reynolds – Founder, Grow@ App & HR Consultant to the facilities services industry.
André’s 25-year corporate career as a human resources professional in the facilities services and hospitality industries have exposed him to the persistent business problem of labour supply – along with the reality of limited prospects of progression for entry level workers, and their daily struggle to achieve sustainable employment. The Grow@ App represents a solution to these problems, both for employers seeking lower-skilled work and for employees seeking opportunity. It has been designed by André as an initial step towards a solution to employment that offers a low employee value proposition, and to employees seeking growth through a waged career.
NZSA presents Competition Law – a Russell McVeagh Webinar
If you would like to view this webinar or the presentation slides please email [email protected] and we will provide you with the links and password. Please note we can only distribute this to members of NZSA.

NZSA presents Competition Law – a Russell McVeagh Webinar
Russell McVeagh will be presenting a webinar on the laws prohibiting anti-competitive conduct by businesses (being the laws that are contained in the Commerce Act, and enforced by the Commerce Commission). This webinar will include an overview of the prohibition on cartel conduct between competitors (which is now a criminal offence subject to imprisonment) and guardrails and tips for NZSA members to protect themselves as individuals, and their businesses, from allegations of, or investigations into, potential breaches of those laws.
Presenter Bios
Troy Pilkington
Troy Pilkington is a partner in Russell McVeagh’s Competition and Consumer Law team. Troy advises clients on the full range of competition law issues, including advising on cartel investigations and prosecutions, advising on mergers between competitors, and advising on joint ventures and other collaborations between competitors. Troy is one of New Zealand’s best regarded competition lawyers – including being recognised as the exclusive 2019 International Law Office Client Choice Award winner for Competition/Antitrust in New Zealand. He has acted on a number of high profile matters, including the proposed NZME/Fairfax merger in 2016/2017, and proposed mergers involving companies such as Coca Cola Amatil, Spark, Trade Me and many others.
Lina Kim
Lina Kim is a law clerk in Russell McVeagh’s Competition and Consumer Law team. Lina advises clients on a range of competition law issues, including merger control issues, joint venture advice, cartel investigations and market power investigations.
NZSA Worksafe Webinar
Safer Together – WorkSafe and the Security Industry
Tony Hetherington the Acting Chief Operating Officer for WorkSafe will provide our members with an update on how WorkSafe are working with all sectors to revise their approach and consider ‘work’ as opposed to just health and safety; to seeing people as the solution rather than the problem. Tony will address issued raised by the NZSA about how members and their teams can handle conflict and aggression, dealing with excessive work hours, the provision of PPE and compliance with health and safety regulations.
29 October 2020
Tony Hetherington – Acting Chief Operating Officer, WorkSafe
Gary Morrison – CEO, NZSA
Speaker Bio
Tony Hetherington – Acting Chief Operating Officer WorkSafe
Tony is an experienced regulator. He joined WorkSafe as Head of High Hazards, Energy and Public Safety in August 2018 after 30 with years with GB’s Health and Safety Executive. For the last 10 months Tony has been WorkSafe’s Acting Chief Operations Officer. Tony will soon return to his original role when WorkSafe’s new General Manager Operations, Pelin Fantham takes up her new role.
The New Threat – Protecting Data Anywhere, Anytime 12-1pm, Wednesday 17th June 2020
With the COVID-19 virus nearly extinguished from our shores New Zealand businesses need to be careful they are not exposed to another nasty threat – cyber intrusions.
Most kiwi businesses had to rapidly redeploy staff to work from home and many have drawn on quickly acquired IT services to accommodate this move. These actions can potentially expose businesses to cyber threats through inappropriate data handling, the use of unsecured devices and a lack of governance with data services.
Matthew Evetts the Chief Technology Officer for the Optic Security Group and GM of Optic Digital, a division of the Group, will join Gary Morrison, CEO of the NZSA, and our moderator Grant Whitehouse to provide NZSA members with actionable information on how you can ensure that your, and your clients data, can be kept secure in our new normal.
This one-hour webinar will cover the following areas:
- Securing PCs and company data on personal devices
- Methods for secure remote access to files and systems
- Phishing and user awareness training
- How to keep IoT (Internet of Things) data secure
- Maintenance best practices
- Members will be able to ask Matthew their questions during the webinar.