Certificate of Approval information for In-House Crowd Controllers and Bar Staff

Here’s some updated advice from the Authority on In-House Crowd Controllers and Bar Staff.

If you are a crowd controller, you must have a certificate of approval. For example, if you work as a crowd controller for a bar, rather than a private security company, you need a certificate.

If you hold a COA in the class of Crowd Controller you must work for a PSPLA Company Licence holder or PSPLA Individual Licence holder. It is best practice for all bars and restaurants directly employing crowd controllers (door staff) to hold both a Liquor Licence and a PSPLA Company Licence in the class of Crowd Controller.

Bar managers and staff only need a certificate of approval if, as part of their job description, they act as a crowd controller by:

– Screening entry
– Keeping order
– Removing people.

Bar staff who mainly make drinks and clear tables are not crowd controllers, even if they occasionally remove people from the bar.”

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