Congratulations to NZSA Saved a Life Medal recipients





We are thrilled to announce the first recipients of the NZSA Saved a Life Medal. The calibre of the nominations has been outstanding and we’d like to congratulate the following recipients, whose stories are below.

NZSA Saved a Life Medal
Leitualamavae Vaa and Shelley Herbert, Armourguard Security
Lily Wilson, Alpha Protection Services

NZSA Saved a Life – Highly Commended
Mike Fairbrother, Alarm Solutions

To make a nomination please see the NZSA website.

From the NZSA team


Leitualamavae Vaa and Shelley Herbert, Armourguard Security

On 10 December 2022 an altercation occurred between a couple at the Otahuhu Rail Station that resulted in the female being extremely upset and suicidal, threatening to jump over the rail bridge.

Leitualamavae and Shelley initially held the woman’s hands and provided reassurance, however after calming her down the woman became agitated again and ran to the rail bridge and started climbing over the rail, forcing Leitualamavae and Shelley to pull her back down and away from the rail. They continued to hold and gently restrain the woman pending attendance from emergency services.

Leitualamavae Vaa and Shelley Herbert with Warwick Stenson (North Island Metro Manager, Armourguard)

Lily Wilson, Alpha Protection Services

On 28 October 2022 Lily Watson was working with a colleague doing her patrol route in the Christchurch CBD. They had finished their lockdown as scheduled and were completing their logbook entry for the customer when Lily heard a loud cracking sound coming from inside the premise, she felt uneasy and told her partner they should investigate, even though it would put them slightly behind on their patrol.

After re-entering the complex Lily could hear an odd buzzing sound and when she investigated she found the cleaner lying on the ground next to the still going floor polisher and with a large head wound and having a seizure.

Lily immediately had her partner call an ambulance whilst she placed the cleaner into the recovery position. She then retrieved a nearby defibrillator and followed the instructions of the 111 operator until the critical response team arrived with skilled paramedics. The gentleman was rushed to hospital in a critical condition and was later reported as being in a serious but stable condition with a potential brain bleed.

Connlan Norton-Taylor (Director), Lily Wilson and Wayne Sofai (Training and Performance Manager)

Mike Fairbrother, Alarm Solutions

Mike was recently commuting through the Christchurch city centre and was about to turn at a busy intersection when a very elderly lady wobbled on the footpath and then fell heavily, and face first, into the path of his vehicle.

Mike carefully manouevred around her, positioning his vehicle to create a protective barrier between her and oncoming traffic, and then went to her assistance. He sat with her and provided initial first aid until emergency services arrived and was commended by attending police for his actions in diverting traffic and providing immediate assistance and support.

Richard Jones (Managing Director, Alarm Solutions) and Mike Fairbrother (Senior Technician, Alarm Solutions)

NZSA Newsletter – March 2023


Welcome to our March 2023 newsletter.

A catastrophic life changing event. There is no other way to describe the devastating impact Cyclone Gabrielle has had on many people’s lives and livelihood.


Whilst the daily updates that we see through the media are shocking in their own right, talking to those who are on the ground provides a better understanding of what many are facing, with whole communities obliterated and the constants of thick mud, piled uncollected rubbish and the stench of rotting food, vegetation and often raw sewerage.

Those I have been in touch with all talk in awe about the way communities have come together to assist each other (other than the small minority who have resorted to crime) and what has been achieved, however there is also a growing realisation and resignation that they are only scratching the surface and that the necessary rebuild of infrastructure and property will be a massive task over a considerable number of years.

The other issue at this time is that of mental trauma and stress and the longer-term impacts on residents.

We are pleased that we have been able to provide some support for our members in the impacted regions – helping to facilitate Emergency Licencing requirements through the PSPLA, coordinating offers of additional resources and forwarding 20,000 face masks to the Hawkes Bay region for use by staff, customers and community groups involved in clean up duties.

Our thoughts remain with all those who have been impacted and our commitment is that they will not be forgotten in coming weeks and months.

On a different note, we have some exciting developments and initiatives covered within our newsletter this month, including the Saved a Life Medal programme, the launch of our OnLine Training Hub, a new short-term contract with MSD supporting the employment of entry level technicians, the commencement of our school visit programme and the development of a Security Awareness Passport for MSD candidates who go through the virtual reality (VR) security scenarios.

See below for more information.


NZSA Saved a Life Medal

As mentioned in our last newsletter, we launched this programme early this year whereby we recognise and celebrate those workers within our industry who have saved a life, or lives, through their actions.

During February we received three qualifying nominations, and we will issue a profile of the individuals and their stories, including photos of them receiving their medals, in coming weeks.

The nomination process is very straight forward with qualification criteria outlined on our website. Nominations can be submitted on the NZSA website.


Launch of NZSA Online Training Hub

We are thrilled to advise that our online training hub is now live and can be accessed via the NZSA website.

The NZSA recognises the importance of continued professional development and the training hub has been designed as a single repository for non NZQA training and learning programmes and materials, that can easily be accessed by our members, their employees and the wider industry.

The training hub currently comprises the following learning and training materials:

  • Literacy and Numeracy Modules (free access)
  • Electronic Security Good Practice (chargeable with preferential member rates)
  • Entry Level Security Technician Foundation Training (chargeable with preferential member rates)

We will continue to add further training and learning programmes and materials, either developed in-house or by external parties, and would welcome feedback from our members with regards to what training resources they would like to be able to access.


Launch of new MSD contract for placement of entry level Security Technicians

Over the last five years, the NZSA has provided our members with in excess of 550 employees through our SFI (Skills for Industry programme). Whilst our programme is non role specific, the focus has been targeted towards Security Officers and Monitoring Operators.

We are very pleased to announce that we have signed a new short-term trial contract with MSD that specifically targets entry level (school leaver or limited work experience) candidates seeking employment in the electronic security sector.

The contract recognises the continued resource shortage for Security Technicians and the importance of developing apprentices locally rather than bringing in workers from off-shore.

Under the contract the NZSA will provide candidates successfully placed into work with a comprehensive tool kit, a laptop, safety boots and enrolment in the NZSA-developed Foundation Training Programme for Entry Level Security Technicians.

The contract also recognises the importance of the employer providing support and pastural care and includes an obligation that they will enrol candidates into the NZCiES Apprenticeship on successful completion of the Foundation Training Programme.

Whilst the contract was signed mid-February and is only for a four and a half month trial, it is pleasing to note that our first candidate placement commenced employment in late February and we are very hopeful that with continued success, MSD will extend the contract for a further year on completion of the trial.


Members support School Career Pathways Programme

Late last year we reported on our attendance at the CATE (Careers and Transition Education Association) Conference and how we would use that as a stepping-stone into developing a formalised program for 2023 where we could match school career advisors (and school career events) with our members.


We are pleased to advise that the initial engagement for this year has been confirmed and both Red Badge Group and Alarm Solutions 2002 will be attending a “speed dating careers event” at St Bede’s College in Christchurch mid-March. Hopefully we will have some photos to include in the next newsletter.

We will be confirming other engagements in coming months as the schools become more active with their students and will contact and arrange representation from our members who have expressed interest in participating.

As a separate project, we are also investigating the opportunity to develop a school Gateway Programme that we can introduce to the schools to promote the security industry as a career pathway.


Development and launch of MSD Security Awareness “Passport” Certificate

Traditionally MSD have hosted regular Job Expos around the country where those seeking employment can talk to a range of industry and employer representatives about career opportunities and potential job openings. Whilst the expos have been valuable in matching candidates with employers, they are “low touch” and provide the candidate with very limited information on what the jobs entail.

Late last year MSD introduced VR (Virtual Reality) Job Expos where the candidates have the opportunity to register interest in a range of industry roles and to then through the VR headset to actually experience what the roles entail. Where appropriate, candidates can also receive a “Passport” or certificate verifying their participation and completion of the industry experience.

Utilising materials from the NZSA CoA VR Training Platform, one of the industry experiences covers security officers and guarding roles. Participants are provided with an overview of the industry and an understanding of the principles around managing conflict before they are placed into two real life work scenarios that include identifying risks and dealing with aggressive individuals. Participants are required to utilise appropriate skills, but the platform provides corrective guidance when necessary.

To date, Security has been the third most popular industry, closely behind Tourism and Kiwifruit picking.

Moving forward, those candidates who undertake and complete the Security VR experience will be provided with an NZSA Security Awareness Passport Certificate that confirms that they have an awareness of security roles and duties.

The Security Awareness Passport Certificate is not a NZQA qualification or evidence of competency, but it does provide potential employers with the knowledge that the candidate has shown the initiative to undertake the experience and has an awareness of what a role in security will entail.


NZSA website resources

It was pleasing to recently receive a LinkedIn communication from one of our members, complimenting us on the quality and breadth of resources available on the NZSA website.

In the words of our member ”it is a fantastic resource for all who work in, or engage with, the security industry and provides comprehensive information on standards, guidelines, training, licensing and much more. I’m happy to direct my colleagues to the site for any security related matter”.

The reason for mentioning this is that whilst our website statistics show the site is well utilised, it is evident from the number of the email and phone enquiries that we receive that many members are unaware of the information that they can access directly.

With recent updates to include the Saved a Life Medal programme and the Online Training Hub, it may be a good time to check that your member details are correct, ensure that you are utilising the range of member benefit programmes, review the information available and remind your teams that they can access the resources available.


PSPLA complaint process and outcomes

We regularly hear comments that the PSPLA complaint process is ineffective and has no teeth. Whilst those comments might have been valid some years ago, our current Registrar, Trish McConnell, has implemented a number of changes and improvements that have resulted in a far more effective and transparent complaint process. In conjunction with this, the CIPU (Complaints, Investigation and Prosecution Unit) team within the Department of Internal Affairs that is tasked with investigating complaints has had its resources strengthened and is adopting a more proactive approach, including random checking of staff at venues and events.

For those who are interested, it is possible to see a record of all complaints received, and resulting outcomes, detailed on the PSPLA website under “Decisions”.

We would also like to pass our thanks onto Trish and her team at the PSPLA for their responsiveness in enacting emergency licensing procedures to assist with Covid, and more recently the flooding events in the North Island.


Increase in Membership fees

As an industry association we are very mindful of the difficult trading environment that many businesses are facing and the ongoing pressures of cost increases.

We have been able to avoid any increase in our membership fees for the last five years through a combination of cost controls and additional revenue generating activities, such as the MSD SFI Programme. However, we do need to advise our members that we will need to apply a 7% increase to the membership fees for the upcoming 2023/2024 subscription period.

We are confident that our members will view our contributions positively and recognise the importance of having a strong and effective peak body representing the industry. Should any member have concerns, we are happy to discuss those directly.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

As always, we welcome all comments and feedback on NZSA or industry issues and activity.

Keep safe and well.

Kind Regards
Gary Morrison


NZSA Saved a Life Medal

The NZSA has launched a new award initiative that will recognise and celebrate those workers within our industry who have saved a life, or lives, through their actions.

This builds on the well-received and very successful Covid Guardian award programme that we ran during the lockdown periods.

Nominations for the Saved a Life Medal can be made online on the NZSA website.

The medal will be specific to either an individual security worker or a team, where their actions have directly saved a life, or lives. Examples include:

  • Assisting or removing a person, or persons, from life threatening situations
  • Providing care to a person, or persons, that has resulting in their surviving life-threatening injuries
  • Preventing a person, or persons, from causing life threatening harm to others
  • Preventing a person, or persons from causing life threatening harm to themselves
  • Identifying and removing risks that if unmitigated, could have caused life threatening harm to others

Nominations must be received within four months of the incident and be supported by evidence such as media reporting, letters of acknowledgement or witness statements.

All winners will be presented with an attractive medal which they get to keep, and their actions will be profiled within the bi-monthly NZSA Newsletter and on NZSA social media platforms.

Recipients will also be recognised in a roll call at the Annual Security Awards event and will automatically be nominated in the appropriate award category for each year.


NZSA HR Advisory Service

A reminder to members that SuccessHR are human resource consultants available for any employment support regarding your employees.

Support offered at no expense to our members is telephone communication support eg. disciplinary, performance. You also have access to individual employment agreements. Any additional support would be charged to you accordingly.

For any support or further information please contact:

Susan Beange
Human Resources Team Lead
[email protected]
021 929 528

Emma Johnston
Human Resources Specialist
[email protected]
021 659 456


NZSA Membership

We welcome the following new Corporate Members:

B Alert NZ Limited

SECPRO Limited

Wellington Investigations Limited


and the following new Associate Individual Member:

Shahjahan Amiry



COA Conflict Management Training – Train the Trainer and Refresher Training for Trainers

As the industry peak body, the NZSA has appointed Bespoke Security and Hard Target to deliver the Conflict Management Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes around the country. These providers are subject matter experts in their own right and will ensure that those who are approved to deliver the Conflict Management Training meet necessary standards.

The following training is being conducted by Bespoke Security Group in Auckland:

Train the Trainer Training – Auckland – 18 & 19 April – $750 + GST

Refresher Training – 18 April – Auckland – $395 + GST

For further information and to register please email [email protected].


Women in Compliance Conference 2023

Wednesday 29 March 2023 – Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington

Facilitated by Rosemary (Rosie)Killip, Director, Owner and CEO, Building Networks NZ Ltd

If you work with building and fire rules at any level this conference is for you.

This includes, administrators, sales people, facilities coordinators, facility managers, building trades and designers, BWOF agents and consultants, and of course local authorities staff.

This conference is an opportunity to:

  • Step back from the day to day grind
  • Connect with other women from across the industry
  • Learn new skills, update or refine others
  • Plan your next career steps
  • Gain some technical knowledge
  • Be encouraged and inspired

For further information and to register please see the website.


NZISF breakfast meeting

Topic:  Can we trust Artificial Intelligence?

The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) has existed for well over 35 years, with the University of Auckland offering a course on this topic in the late 1980s. Since then, this topic became less popular and almost disappeared from the world’s attention. With recent developments in information technology, both in software and hardware, has brought this topic to the forefront. Perhaps the most visible aspect of AI was the launch of ChatGPT last year. This issue is applicable to a wider range then educations processes. How do we adopt this powerful technology not only to education processes but to all aspects of our lives?

When: 8:00am Thursday 9 March 2023 via zoom

For further information and to register please see the NZSA website.


Member Benefits

Building Networks Compliance Guidance

Building Networks are the leading authority on building compliance and they are offering a 20% discount for members: Building Networks website

For industry news, updates, tips and opinions from the frontline, sign up to the Building Networks newsletter or visit their YouTube channel.


First Aid and Refresher Training

Life Care Consultants have extensive experience with first aid training in the security industry and are offering NZSA members a 10% discount on all first aid and refresher training.

For further information please email Russell Taylor [email protected].



NZSA have an agreement with Mobilcard offering members fuel discounts

Key Benefits:

  • Up to 16 cents per litre (including GST) discount off the pump price for all diesel and petrol purchased at a discounted Mobilcard acceptor sites. Minimum discount of 12 cents per litre (including GST).
  • Available at 330+ sites nationwide. View to find an acceptor site near you.
  • No card or transaction fees.
  • No need to manage receipts for tax purposes, all managed under one account.
  • Costs can be tracked easily with one monthly invoice. You can also have online access to multiple reports including the fuel consumed by individual vehicles.
  • PIN number and purchase restrictions for added security.
  • You must be a member of the NZSA to qualify for this offer.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using a discount of up to 6 cents per litre = $6 discount per week.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using the NZSA MOBILCARD discount of up to 16cents per litre = $16 discount per week

For a company fleet of 20 vehicles that’s potentially an annual saving of over $10,000 per annum.

The discount level is dependent on volume of fuel used per annum.

For further information please email [email protected].


simPRO Software

simPRO is a leading operations management solution for service, maintenance and project contractors. Connect the office to the field, delivery exceptional customer service and gain invaluable insights with automated processes, streamlined workflows and in-depth business reporting.

NZSA members are eligible to receive a 20% discount on initial implementation costs of simPRO and for the month of November two months free!

For further information visit the simPRO website.


NZSA Speak Up Line

The NZSA Speak Up Line is free to members and provides access to a confidential service where staff can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern that may be occurring in the workplace and not being reported.

Phone                 0800 775 775

Online reports

The NZSA will provide posters, business-sized card to go into wallets, stickers and introductory letters for your staff. They are designed for members to include their own corporate branding prior to distribution.

The service is particularly valuable where employees may be reluctant to speak up or report matters due to fears that by doing so it may affect their employment or risk further victimisation.

It is also important to note that such services meet government procurement requirements around providing a voice for staff.

This service is provided by Crimestoppers who obviously have considerable experience in handling sensitive calls in a confidential manner. They log the calls or online reports and forward to the NZSA for further investigation if required. The staff member can remain anonymous if they wish to do so.

Register for the NZSA Speak Up Line by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Keeping your team up to date

Like many organisations we are constantly looking for ways to ensure we can communicate effectively with our members and their teams. The best way to stay up to date on NZSA and industry news is via our newsletter. The more people from each company who receive our newsletter, the higher the chance of updates being communicated within the industry.

With this in mind, we welcome you to send us any company contacts who would like to receive our newsletter and we will add them to our distribution list.

Please email any contacts to [email protected].


NZSA member referral – strength in numbers

NZSA’s membership has grown strongly over the past year and each new member not only strengthens the Association and the security community, it also enables us to provide you with more benefits and services and a greater voice for the industry. So help grow your community and strengthen your Association by referring a prospective new member.

To refer a prospective member please email details to [email protected]. For details on member benefits please see the NZSA website.

NZSA update – PSPLA and Fuel Resources

PSPLA – extension for temporary licences
The PSPLA have advised that consideration will be given towards approving a third extension for temporary CoA’s for people in affected areas where their employer confirms that the applicant was booked in for the mandatory training before their second temporary expired but it needed to be cancelled or postponed because of events associated with Auckland flooding or Cyclone Gabrielle


Fuel Resources
It is appreciated that access to fuel has been restricted over the last week.

We have been provided the following update by our fuel partner, Mobilcard. They also advise that fuel stocks are now being replenished regularly and that further rationing is unlikely.


Site name Manned Street number Town/City Operating status
J Young Motors incl T/Stop Yes 590 Main North Road Napier Closed. Expect update later this week.
Mobil Havelock North Yes 36 Havelock Road Hastings Open
Mobil Kopu Yes Ngati Maru Highway Kopu, Thames Open
Mobil Opotiki Yes 89 Church Street Opotiki Open
Mobil Portside Yes 49 Wainui Road Gisborne Site has intermittent power. Expect update later this week.
Mobil Stortford Lodge Yes 2084 Pakowhai Road Hastings Open
Mobil Taradale Road Yes 164 Taradale Road Napier Open
Mobil Wairoa Yes 7-13 Bridge Street Wairoa Closed due to no IT communications. Expect update later this week.
Mobil Whitianga Yes 200 Joan Gaskell Drive Whitianga Open – closes 7pm
Thames Fuel Limited Yes Cnr Queen and Mary Streets Thames Open – closes 9pm
Mobil Waipukurau Yes Takapau Road Waipukurau Open
Mobil Dannevirke Yes 206 High Street Dannevirke Open

From the NZSA Team

PSPLA Emergency Appointments – Tairawhiti and Hawkes Bay

The PSPLA has issued the following statement:

“We are accepting the situation in Tairawhiti and Hawkes Bay as well as other areas affected by flooding and slips as a reason for emergency appointments.

This means security businesses can bring staff on as soon as the new staff member has filed their application for a COA and they have sent in an application for an emergency appointment. It is usually approved within one working day.

They also need to make sure that the address for sending the badge to, that the applicant includes in their COA application, is one that mail is currently able to be delivered to – probably best to use the employers address in most cases.

If people still don’t have their badges at the end of the 2 week emergency appointment period they can either ask to extend it for a further 2 weeks or ask for us to issue an exemption certificate for them to carry until such time a their badge arrives in the mail.”

We appreciate the responsiveness of the PSPLA, and our Registrar, on this matter.

From the NZSA Team

NZSA update – support following Cyclone Gabrielle

We sincerely hope that all of you are not too badly affected by the current weather crisis.

Our thoughts go out to you and your staff, work colleagues and families. We hope that you are supporting them in as much as you can. However, some may need more urgent and complex assistance and we have provided the information below to assist in your support.

If we can help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact us on [email protected]. We also have some limited office space if you require a desk in the short term.


Understand disaster events

Disasters are upsetting experiences for everyone involved. The emotional toll that disaster brings can sometimes be even more devastating than the financial strains of damage and loss of home, business or personal property.

  • Everyone who sees or experiences a disaster is affected by it in some way.
  • It is normal to feel anxious about your own safety and that of your family and close friends.
  • Profound sadness, grief and anger are normal reactions to an abnormal event.
  • Acknowledging your feelings helps you recover.
  • Focusing on your strengths and abilities helps you heal.
  • Accepting help from community programs and resources is healthy.
  • Everyone has different needs and different ways of coping.
  • It is common to want to strike back at people who have caused great pain.


Recognise signs of disaster-related stress

When adults have the following signs, they might need crisis counselling or stress management assistance:

  • Difficulty communicating thoughts.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Difficulty maintaining balance in their lives.
  • Low threshold of frustration.
  • Increased use of drugs/alcohol.
  • Limited attention span.
  • Poor work performance.
  • Headaches/stomach problems.
  • Tunnel vision/muffled hearing.
  • Colds or flu-like symptoms.
  • Disorientation or confusion.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Reluctance to leave home.
  • Depression, sadness.
  • Feelings of hopelessness.
  • Mood-swings and easy bouts of crying.
  • Overwhelming guilt and self-doubt.
  • Fear of crowds, strangers, or being alone.


Crisis phone numbers

  • 1737, Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor.
  • Anxiety New Zealand 0800 ANXIETY (0800 269 4389)
  • 0800 111 757 or text 4202
  • Lifeline 0800 543 354
  • Mental Health Foundation 09 623 4812, click here to access its free resource and information service.
  • Rural Support Trust 0800 787 254
  • Samaritans 0800 726 666
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
  • Yellow Brick Road 0800 732 825
  • Web chat, email chat or free text 5626
  • What’s Up 0800 942 8787 (for 5 to 18-year-olds). Phone counselling available Monday-Friday, noon-11pm and weekends, 3pm-11pm. Online chat is available 3pm-10pm daily.
  • Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234, email [email protected], or find online chat and other support options here.
  • If it is an emergency, click here to find the number for your local crisis assessment team.
  • In a life-threatening situation, call 111.


The NZSA team.

NZSA and MSD contract for Entry Level Security Technicians

We are pleased to announce that the NZSA and MSD have entered into a new contract under the SFI (Skills for Industry) programme that targets the placement of candidates into full-time employment as Junior (Entry Level) Security Technicians.

The contract is for a five month trial and will cover all regions, however it is restricted to NZSA Members only.

Under the contract the NZSA will provide our members with candidates in the 18 to 24 age group. The candidates will have been screened to ensure that they should be able to obtain a CoA (i.e have declared that no material criminal convictions etc) and that they have demonstrated employable skills and attitudes. There is no obligation on our members to employ any candidate whom they interview.

If a member does offer the candidate full-time employment (being 30+ hours per week) we will supply and pay for the following:

  • CoA application
  • Enrolment in the Foundation Training Programme for Entry Level Security Technicians
  • A tool kit and full range of tools
  • A laptop
  • Safety boots

The obligations on the member employer are:

  • To offer full-time employment
  • To support the candidate in undertaking and completing the Foundation Training Programme
  • Subject to satisfactory completion of the Foundation Training Programme and work performance, to enrol the candidate into the Level 3 NZCiES qualification within three months of their completing the Foundation Training.

If you wish to register your interest in participating in the programme can you please email our CEO, Gary Morrison, including your company name, the person within your organisation to contact, and a brief description of the vacancy and any specific requirements you may have for the role. Gary will make contact with you to discuss any potential candidates that we identify.

Please feel free to contact Gary on [email protected] with your details and any questions you may have.

From the NZSA Team

NZSA update – Emergency assistance

We hope you are all doing well, especially those who may have been affected by the recent flooding.

We wanted to share some information with you that maybe of assistance to you and your team. The below links hold some helpful information regarding staffing issues and disaster response.

Employment NZ – employment during and after disasters

MBIE – extreme weather: information for businesses

 Civil Defence

Message from Inland Revenue

“While the recent flooding in the North Island has not been declared an adverse event yet, we are aware many customers will have been affected by the event and may need assistance to comply with their tax obligations, including filing and paying on time. This includes upcoming GST, Employer filing and Income tax.

If you or any of your members are affected, please know that you are not required to contact us at this time. However, if you want to get in touch, we are prioritising our support to our affected customers. Please send us a web message via your myIR login or call us on 0800 473 566. Further information will be updated online in the coming days.”

If we can be of any assistance, please contact us and we will do our best to help: [email protected]

We also remind our members that they can utilise our free HR Advisory service for guidance and support if dealing with priority matters. Please refer to our website for more information.

Keep safe,

From the NZSA team


NZSA Newsletter – January 2023


Welcome to our January 2023 newsletter.

I trust that your Christmas and New Year went well and that 2023 has started well. Unfortunately, the weather failed to play ball for those of us living in the North Island and our thoughts are with those on the East Coast who have suffered flooding and storm damage.

As we look at the year ahead, perhaps the only certainty is that it will be another challenging year for many. Over the last few years, the security industry has demonstrated its resilience and ability to readily adopt to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, including the introduction of new services and labour resource pressures. For those who thought however that we may now be looking at some return to normality, the reality is that 2023 will almost certainly be one of the most difficult and challenging that business, and the public in general, have had to face.

The recently released Business Confidence Survey highlighted that approximately 75% of business owners and managers are expecting a significant downturn in the economy this year and close to 20% are currently planning for staff lay-offs or reduced hiring. Factors driving the loss of confidence include continued high inflation, the impacts of the Russia/Ukraine war, government-imposed cost increases for business and the uncertainty of government policy around areas such as Three Waters, Fair Pay Agreements and ROVE (Review of Vocational Education). It can only be assumed the unexpected resignation of Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister will only heighten some of these concerns and uncertainty.

Whilst these issues require careful planning and management, they also provide a number of opportunities for well managed businesses to grow and thrive and we have no doubt that many of our members can look forward to a successful year ahead.

From an NZSA perspective, we recognise that members may be facing operational and cost pressures and it is important that we continue to strive to provide the best possible value to our members. This includes effective representation with government agencies, providing strong leadership and guidance in further lifting standards, positive promotion of the industry and ensuring that our benefit programmes are targeted at member needs.

As you will see from the following commentary, the NZSA is starting the year with a number of new initiatives that specifically target membership value and we look forward to further launches in coming months.


NZSA “Saved a Life” Medal

The NZSA “Saved a Life” Medal award programme and is now live and nominations can be submitted online via our website.

The programme recognises and celebrates those workers within our industry who have saved a life, or lives, through their actions. This follows on from the very successful Covid Guardian Award programme that ran through the lockdown periods.

The nomination process is very straight forward with qualification criteria outlined on the website. Nominations can be for an individual or a team and can be submitted by employers, colleagues, customers or the general public. Recipients will receive an attractive medal and certificate and will also be recognised at the annual NZ Security Awards event through a roll call.

Please support this initiative and ensure that we get the opportunity to recognise the often-unsung heroic work performed by many security workers.


Joint Statement – Master Electricians and NZSA (security licensing requirements)

The Master Electricians and NZSA have jointly produced and released a statement that provides guidance to members of both organisations and other stakeholders on the application of the legislation covering registration and licensing and ensuring that ultimately, our customers are provided with consistent and appropriate advice and service.

Click here to read the Joint_Statement_Master_Electricians_and_NZSA.01.


Launch of NZSA online learning platform

The NZSA recognises the importance of providing a package of learning materials for the security industry that supplement the NZQA training delivered by training providers and can be found in a single repository.

In the coming weeks we will launch the NZSA online training platform for the use of our members and the wider industry.

Initial learning and training materials to be hosted on the platform include:

  • Literacy and Numeracy Modules. Free access for all.
  • Electronic Security Good Practice. Preferential rates for members.
  • Entry Level Security Technician Foundation Training. Preferential rates for members.

Look out for our formal launch in early February.


Fair Pay Agreements (FPA’s)

As you will be aware, the legislation supporting FPA’s came into effect on 1 December 2022.

To date, four applications for FPA’s have been lodged by unions with MBIE. These are:

  • Hospitality (General) Unite Union
  • Bus and Coach Drivers (2 separate applications) Amalgamated Workers Union
  • Supermarket and Grocery Store Workers First Union

You can check the status of proposed FPA’s and see who the employee and employer bargaining parties are, via the Fair Pay Agreement dashboard on the MBIE website.

It is our expectation that Etu will submit an application with MBIE towards the end of February covering the security industry. From the date of submission, MBIE must respond as soon as practicable, but the period is likely to be in excess of 30 working days, particularly if multiple applications are received. Once approved, MBIE will publicly notify its decision and request public submissions.

Following approval to initiate, the initiating union must identify which unions and employers are likely to be covered by the proposed FPA and use best endeavours to notify them of the initiation of bargaining. There is an obligation on the union to provide a form to every employer who is likely to be covered by the application, which they in turn must issue to every covered employee.

Whilst the timelines for the process are specified within the FPA legislation, there is some uncertainty with regards to MBIE’s ability to meet the defined timing and even assuming dates are achieved, we believe it will be mid-year at the earliest that the industry (through the NZSA) are effectively required to become involved in the process.

As the peak body for the security industry, the NZSA has sought expert guidance on these matters and we are very confident that we can provide our members, and all industry employers, with the necessary governance, systems and processes to meet the obligations of the Employer Bargaining Party.

We will continue to keep our members briefed on all further FPA developments.


Biometrics review

The Privacy Commissioner has announced he will be exploring a code of practice under the Privacy Act as a way to provide better protection for biometric information and greater clarity about regulatory requirements for organisations that collect and use biometric information.

This will impact onto a number of electronic security providers who utilise biometrics within their security solutions.

The NZSA has been involved in initial discussions on this matter and during the current year will be part of the targeted engagement with organisations and experts with a particular interest in biometrics. We will actively engage with our membership leading into the consultation process to ensure that we have appropriate representation and an understanding of the industry views.


Withdrawal of Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF)

In July 2020 the government introduced a new training fund designed to help New Zealand recover from the impacts of Covid-19. The fund supplemented the existing Fees Free policy and targeted trainees in high demand industry sectors.

Through this fund, the government has effectively covered the cost of those trainees undertaking the New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology (Level 3) and New Zealand Certificate in Electronic Security (Level 4) through E-tec (our industry training provider) over the last two and a half years.

Unfortunately, the TTAF was withdrawn at the end of 2022 and trainees (or their employer) will now need to pay E-tec directly for their training. The weekly cost for both Level 3 and Level 4 has been set at $49.90 per week, including GST.

It should be noted that the Apprenticeship Boost payment of $500 per month can still be claimed by qualifying employers through MSD and used to offset the training cost. Similarly, the Fees Free policy remains in place and trainees should check their eligibility through the government website Eligibility Criteria

We recommend that employers with trainees currently enrolled in the Level 3 and Level 4 programmes should contact E-tec on 0800 030500 or [email protected] and ensure that arrangements are in place and to ensure continuity of training.


As always, we welcome all comments and feedback on NZSA or industry issues and activity.

Keep safe and well.

Kind regards,
Gary Morrison


NZSA Saved a Life Medal





The NZSA is proud to launch a new award initiative that will recognise and celebrate those workers within our industry who have saved a life, or lives, through their actions.

This builds on the well-received and very successful Covid Guardian award programme that we ran during the lockdown periods.

Nominations for the Saved a Life Medal can be made online on the NZSA website.

The medal will be specific to either an individual security worker or a team, where their actions have directly saved a life, or lives. Examples include:

  • Assisting or removing a person, or persons, from life threatening situations
  • Providing care to a person, or persons, that has resulting in their surviving life-threatening injuries
  • Preventing a person, or persons, from causing life threatening harm to others
  • Preventing a person, or persons from causing life threatening harm to themselves
  • Identifying and removing risks that if unmitigated, could have caused life threatening harm to others

Nominations must be received within four months of the incident and be supported by evidence such as media reporting, letters of acknowledgement or witness statements.

All winners will be presented with an attractive medal which they get to keep, and their actions will be profiled within the bi-monthly NZSA Newsletter and on NZSA social media platforms.

Recipients will also be recognised in a roll call at the Annual Security Awards event and will automatically be nominated in the appropriate award category for each year.


Face masks – NZSA member special

At the start of the pandemic the NZSA secured a stock of face masks from the Ministry of Health to assist our members in securing government approved PPE.

We wish to sell our remaining stock before the conclusion of our financial year and are offering these to our members at a substantial discount, below supplier prices.

The masks are available to order in boxes of 50 and the cost is $10 + GST per box ($0.20 per unit) plus freight, for members only.

If you would like to place an order can you please email us at [email protected] with your requirements.


NZSA HR Advisory Service

A reminder to members that SuccessHR are human resource consultants available for any employment support regarding your employees.

Support offered at no expense to our members is telephone communication support eg. disciplinary, performance. You also have access to individual employment agreements. Any additional support would be charged to you accordingly.

For any support or further information please contact:

Susan Beange
Human Resources Team Lead
[email protected]
021 929 528

Emma Johnston
Human Resources Specialist
[email protected]
021 659 456


NZSA Membership

We welcome the following new Associate Company Members:

Grand Millennium Hotel Auckland

Dam Security Systems Limited



COA Conflict Management Training – Train the Trainer and Refresher Training for Trainers

As the industry peak body, the NZSA has appointed Bespoke Security and Hard Target to deliver the Conflict Management Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes around the country. These providers are subject matter experts in their own right and will ensure that those who are approved to deliver the Conflict Management Training meet necessary standards.

The following training is being conducted by Bespoke Security Group in Auckland:

Train the Trainer Training – Auckland – 18 & 19 April – $750 + GST

Refresher Training – 18 April – Auckland – $395 + GST

For further information and to register please email [email protected].


Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs)

The Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs) are returning to New Zealand for a second year.

The OSPAs are designed to be both independent and inclusive; providing an important opportunity to recognise and celebrate the work of those dedicated companies, individuals and teams who deliver outstanding security products and services.

There are thirteen award categories and nominations must be submitted by 7 February 2023.

For further information please see the OSPAs website.


Women in Compliance Conference 2023

Wednesday 29 March 2023 – Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington

Facilitated by Rosemary (Rosie)Killip, Director, Owner and CEO, Building Networks NZ Ltd

If you work with building and fire rules at any level this conference is for you.

This includes, administrators, sales people, facilities coordinators, facility managers, building trades and designers, BWOF agents and consultants, and of course local authorities staff.

This conference is an opportunity to:

  • Step back from the day to day grind
  • Connect with other women from across the industry
  • Learn new skills, update or refine others
  • Plan your next career steps
  • Gain some technical knowledge
  • Be encouraged and inspired

For further information and to register please see the website.


NZISF breakfast meeting

Topic:  ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Security Standard Upgrade: what it means to you and your business

As the world becomes more connected and the threat of cyber incidents increases, it’s essential for businesses in New Zealand to stay informed about the latest updates to the ISO27001 standard. The new ISO27001:2022 version brings significant changes to reflect cyber risk management in today’s climate, including 11 new control groups in Annex A.

When: 8:00am Thursday 9 February 2023 via zoom

For further information and to register please see the NZSA website.


Member Benefits

Building Networks Compliance Guidance
Building Networks are the leading authority on building compliance and they are offering a 20% discount for members: Building Networks website.

For industry news, updates, tips and opinions from the frontline, sign up to the Building Networks newsletter or visit their YouTube channel.


First Aid and Refresher Training
Life Care Consultants have extensive experience with first aid training in the security industry and are offering NZSA members a 10% discount on all first aid and refresher training.

For further information please email Russell Taylor [email protected].

NZSA have an agreement with Mobilcard offering members fuel discounts

Key Benefits:

  • Up to 16 cents per litre (including GST) discount off the pump price for all diesel and petrol purchased at a discounted Mobilcard acceptor sites. Minimum discount of 12 cents per litre (including GST).
  • Available at 330+ sites nationwide. View to find an acceptor site near you.
  • No card or transaction fees.
  • No need to manage receipts for tax purposes, all managed under one account.
  • Costs can be tracked easily with one monthly invoice. You can also have online access to multiple reports including the fuel consumed by individual vehicles.
  • PIN number and purchase restrictions for added security.
  • You must be a member of the NZSA to qualify for this offer.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using a discount of up to 6 cents per litre = $6 discount per week.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using the NZSA MOBILCARD discount of up to 16cents per litre = $16 discount per week

For a company fleet of 20 vehicles that’s potentially an annual saving of over $10,000 per annum.

The discount level is dependent on volume of fuel used per annum.

For further information please email [email protected].


simPRO is a leading operations management solution for service, maintenance and project contractors. Connect the office to the field, delivery exceptional customer service and gain invaluable insights with automated processes, streamlined workflows and in-depth business reporting.

NZSA members are eligible to receive a 20% discount on initial implementation costs of simPRO and for the month of November two months free!

For further information visit the simPRO website.


NZSA Speak Up Line
The NZSA Speak Up Line is free to members and provides access to a confidential service where staff can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern that may be occurring in the workplace and not being reported.

Phone                 0800 775 775

Online reports

The NZSA will provide posters, business-sized card to go into wallets, stickers and introductory letters for your staff. They are designed for members to include their own corporate branding prior to distribution.

The service is particularly valuable where employees may be reluctant to speak up or report matters due to fears that by doing so it may affect their employment or risk further victimisation.

It is also important to note that such services meet government procurement requirements around providing a voice for staff.

This service is provided by Crimestoppers who obviously have considerable experience in handling sensitive calls in a confidential manner. They log the calls or online reports and forward to the NZSA for further investigation if required. The staff member can remain anonymous if they wish to do so.

Register for the NZSA Speak Up Line by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Keeping your team up to date

Like many organisations we are constantly looking for ways to ensure we can communicate effectively with our members and their teams. The best way to stay up to date on NZSA and industry news is via our newsletter. The more people from each company who receive our newsletter, the higher the chance of updates being communicated within the industry.

With this in mind, we welcome you to send us any company contacts who would like to receive our newsletter and we will add them to our distribution list.

Please email any contacts to [email protected].


NZSA member referral – strength in numbers

NZSA’s membership has grown strongly over the past year and each new member not only strengthens the Association and the security community, it also enables us to provide you with more benefits and services and a greater voice for the industry. So help grow your community and strengthen your Association by referring a prospective new member.

To refer a prospective member please email details to [email protected]. For details on member benefits please see the NZSA website.

Women in Security Awards nominations close tomorrow

Women in Security Awards Aotearoa

Nominations close 4:00pm Friday 18 November

Don’t miss out! Nominations for the 2022 Women in Security Awards Aotearoa are due by 4pm tomorrow (Friday, 18th November). This is the only awards programme for women in security that covers the length and breadth of the security sector, including security guarding services, electronic security, cyber and information security, investigations and intelligence, and risk and resilience. There have been some inspirational past winners, and this year should be no exception!

For details on how to nominate yourself or a colleague, visit the DefSec website.

The WiSAA initiative was established in 2020 to recognise women who have advanced the Aotearoa New Zealand security and resilience sectors.

Nominees must be women, or identify as women, with more than three years of experience in the sector and be actively practising in Aotearoa New Zealand. Nominations will be assessed on the extent to which the nominee’s efforts over the past 12 months reflect the values articulated in the category descriptions.

The deadline for nominations is 4:00pm, Friday 18 November 2022, and nominations of no more than 800 words (including any supporting material) are to be emailed to [email protected] .

The NZSA team.

NZSA update – Women’s Leadership Scholarships

Women’s Leadership Scholarships available for the Professional and Technical Services Sector

Applications close 2 December

Women leaders at all levels can now apply for a leadership development scholarship from Women & Leadership New Zealand. Providing world-class leadership development programs for women at all stages of their careers, Women & Leadership New Zealand brings together the latest in leadership theory and practice with a focus on applied learning, building networks and a flexible, part-time delivery to fit in with your schedule.

Scholarships are now available for women in select industries through Women & Leadership New Zealand to encourage more women to enhance their impact at work and beyond, and to support the development of women leaders at all levels.

Partial scholarships of $1,000-$5,000 will support participation in one of four courses designed for women in non-leadership roles through to senior leaders.

Apply by 2 December 2022 or find out more by clicking:

The NZSA team.