Security industry update

NZSA – AGM – 7.30am Tuesday 2 November 2021

The AGM will be held at the New Zealand Yacht Squadron in Auckland on Tuesday 2 November. Due to the cancellation of the Facilities Integrate event we have moved venues this year. Breakfast will be provided followed by the AGM at 8.15am.

A formal notification will be sent to members on or before 8 October together with the Annual Report, Board Nomination form, Proxy form and Notice of Motion form.

Should the event be unable to proceed due to lockdown restrictions we will revert to a virtual meeting and will provide details closer to the date.

Stolen safe

We have been contacted by a local Private Investigation agency with regards to the theft of a safe from 17 Tirotai Crescent, Westmere, overnight on the 9th and 10th September. Two vehicles of interest were noted in the area around that time – a white Toyota utility with canopy (possibly 2005 or newer) and a white Subaru Legacy wagon.

The safe contained private papers and jewellery plus access codes for cryptocurrency worth in excess of NZD $4 million.

A substantial reward is being offered for information that leads to recovery of the safe and we have been asked to inform members providing locksmith services and with patrol services in the Westmere (Auckland) area.

Any information can be forwarded to Michael Campbell at [email protected] or 021 993983.

Launch of NZ Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs)

The New Zealand OSPAs have arrived! An independent global awards scheme to recognise outstanding performance in the security sector. The awards are open to everyone, and you don’t have to be a member of an association to enter.

The OSPA’s are also intended to compliment existing Award Programmes such as the recently held NZ Security Industry Awards and are held at different timing during the year.

Currently running in 15-countries the OSPAs are based on extensive research on the key factors that contribute to and characterise outstanding performance.

The award scheme is run on strict ethical principles with core values of being independent, credible, transparent and respectable. The judges are nominated by leading security associations and special interest groups to represent them – they all sign up to an ethics policy and agree to mark independently against set criteria and declare any conflict of interest on every mark sheet.

For 2022, the awards are being offered in the following categories:

  • Outstanding In-House Security Manager/Director
  • Outstanding Contract Security Manager/Director
  • Outstanding Contract Security Company (Guarding)
  • Outstanding Security Consultant
  • Outstanding Security Installer/Integrator
  • Outstanding New Security Product
  • Outstanding Security Partnership
  • Outstanding Investigator
  • Outstanding Police/Law Enforcement Initiative
  • Outstanding Security Officer
  • Outstanding Female Security Professional
  • Outstanding Young Security Professional
  • Lifetime Achievement

There is no charge to enter, and nominations must be submitted by 14 January 2022. Winners will be selected from a list of finalists and presented with their awards at a networking event to be held at the end of April in Auckland.

The inaugural awards are supported by ASIS New Zealand Chapter, New Zealand Security Association (NZSA), New Zealand Security Sector Network and the University of New Zealand.

More information about the New Zealand OSPAs can be found here.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or require assistance.

Stay safe and keep well.

The NZSA team.

2021 Security Awards Update

Due to ongoing uncertainty, we recently made the tough decision to cancel our 2021 Security Awards evening and progress with Plan B.  So, what’s Plan B we hear you ask? Drum roll please….

We’re excited to announce our 2021 Security Awards Week!

Next week we’ll be announcing the winners of each award via video. Awards will be announced over 5 consecutive days beginning Monday 20th Sept. You’ll receive an email every morning at 10.30am with the awards being announced for that day and can click through from there to watch the videos announcing the winners.  We’ll also post on Facebook and LinkedIn.

On Friday you’ll receive two emails, with the prestigious Ian Dick Memorial Award for Security Professional of the Year to be announced in a second email at 3pm.

We look forward to sharing the Award winners with you!

P.S. Pass this email on to your colleagues and encourage them to sign up for our newsletter to receive the announcements!



Many thanks to our main event sponsors – without your generous support, these awards would not be possible.

NZSA – security update

Emergency staff appointments without certificates – PSPLA

In emergency situations, security firms can hire staff who do not have certificates of approval.

You can make an emergency appointment if:

– You need to hire someone because of illness or emergency (such as Covid-19) and you don’t have enough staff with certificates and:

  • The person you’re hiring has applied for a certificate and paid the fee and
  • You’re satisfied they’re eligible and
  • You tell (PSPLA) before making the emergency appointment and
  • The person has not worked on an emergency appointment for more than 2 weeks in the past (unless the PSPLA have approved the appointment before you make it).

You must immediately stop a person from working on instruction of the PSPLA.

Emergency appointments can be made nationally and are valid for two weeks or until such time the person receives their ID however appointments in Auckland have been extended to three weeks or receipt of ID whilst additional restrictions apply.

To make an emergency appointment use the F_Emergency_Appointment.


Business travel across alert level boundaries

Movement between alert level boundaries is currently restricted and essential service workers require documentation generated at MBIE’s Business Travel Register.

The government has now introduced an additional requirement that workers who need to cross alert level boundaries will have to get regular Covid-19 tests. Before crossing a boundary, workers will need to show proof that they’ve had a test, not proof that they are Covid-19 free. They will not need to wait for test results before travelling.

From 11.59pm on 9th September, employees of essential service workers who need to cross regional boundaries for work must have a process in place to enable these employees to be tested for Covid-19. Workers won’t need to start carrying proof that they’ve had a Covid-19 test until 11.59pm on 16th September.


Ministry of Health letter – prioritised vaccines

We have been working with the Ministry of Health to ensure that all customer facing essential service staff (and their whanau) can receive priority access to the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Ministry has provided a letter for distribution by security companies to their staff that provides the ability to book vaccines in most regions of New Zealand either online or for prioritised bookings, via the 0800 line services (including a Pacifika Healthline).

We encourage distribution of the letter to all staff.

MOH_security firm essential workers letter_Sept 2021


Conflict Management Instructor Training and Refresher Programme

As part of their industry role, Skills has overseen and managed the approval process for trainers delivering the CoA Mandatory Training and the facilitation of Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes.

With the transition of the Industry Training Organisations such as Skills into the Work Development Councils (WDC’s) over coming months there remains a high degree of uncertainty as to where the responsibility for functions such as this will sit.

Given the critical nature of the Conflict Management training and the necessity for continuity, the NZSA as the peak body representing the industry has worked with Skills to pick up the Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes at least on an interim basis and pending future communications with the Service WDC.

As the first step in this process, we will be issuing a closed RFP for those parties identified as meeting the required skill sets and qualifications required for Train the Trainers – these include but are not limited to:

  • Hold NZ Certificate in Adult Education Level 4
  • Hold NZ Certificate in Security Level 3 (preferably Level 4)
  • Minimum 2 years delivering CoA Mandatory Training
  • Minimum 5 years industry experience

If you wish to be involved in the RFP process, please email Andrea on [email protected].

In coming weeks, we will also communicate with those approved trainers who have either gone past the two-year window for completing the refresher training or are approaching the two-year date. Given the limited communications from Skills and the difficulties in obtaining training with lockdowns etc, we anticipate providing an extension through to 31 March 2022 for the refresher training to be conducted. Those who do not complete the training by that date will have their approved trainer status revoked.

Once we have confirmed the appointment of the new Trainer, or Trainers, for the Train the Trainer and Refresher Training programmes, we will also provide a calendar of training dates and venues (including areas outside of Auckland) going forward so that the training can be scheduled and booked well in advance.

If you have any questions on this process, please contact either Andrea [email protected] or Gary [email protected].

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or require assistance.

Stay safe and keep well.

The NZSA team.

NZSA Security Update – September 2021 Newsletter


Welcome to our September 2021 newsletter and I trust that you are keeping safe and well.

Isn’t it amazing how quickly everything can change.

After 117 days without any reported Covid community transmission, New Zealand was plunged into Level 4 lockdown from Wednesday 18 August. Unfortunately for us, this was only two days before 175 attendees were booked for the annual NZ Security Industry Awards event scheduled for the Friday evening at the Christchurch Town Hall.

Our travel plans were immediately suspended and the focus shifted to communicating with all impacted, including our MC and venue, and ensuring arrangements were in place to effectively postpone the event. Our only “casualty” was a quantity of pre-ordered fresh food items that were donated to the local womens refuge centre.

Whilst current restrictions and the associated risks of further cancellation have made it impossible to reschedule the awards event in the same format, we are pleased to advise that plans are in place for an alternate event, Awards Week, that will allow us to formally recognise our award finalists and winners.

During Awards Week we will be profiling three or four award categories each day, introducing the finalists and then announcing the category winner. This will build during the week until the final day when we will announce the winner of the Ian Dick Memorial Award for Security Professional of the Year, which celebrates the category winner who received the highest individual score from the judges.

The event will still be presented by our MC, Doug Kamo, and will feature downloadable video clips that will be hosted via our website and various social media platforms, including our media partner New Zealand Security Magazine.

We appreciate that this is a bit of a step into the unknown, particularly hosting an event over a week, however the most important factor is that we have the opportunity to recognise and celebrate those within our industry who have performed to the highest possible standards and excelled in their roles.

Please look out for more information on Awards Week, including the daily schedule of award categories and platform access, and our collective best wishes to all finalists.



We continue to distribute information relative to government announcements and applicable subsidies and support mechanisms however we are also mindful of not bombarding our members with superfluous information at this time.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me on [email protected] and we will assist as far as possible, including liaison with government contacts and agencies as required.

What is very clear is that security workers are again providing critical front-line essential services and performing to very high standards, often in difficult and confronting circumstances. There have been a number of videos posted on social media platforms showing security staff being abused or treated with contempt and without exception, the security staff have handled the situation professionally and with skill.

Well done and a big thanks to all security staff working in critical roles.


PSPLA Covid-19 protocol

The PSPLA have issued the following Amendment dated 23 August 2021.

  1. If Covid restrictions are at Level 3 or Level 4 anywhere in New Zealand the PSPLA will continue to process all applications for licences and certificates and deal with complaints in its usual manner, but with the following exceptions:
  • Licences and certificates and official IDs will be sent to the Authorities office after printing to be posted out to the applicants rather than being sent to Post Shop for collection.
  • People who have had licences or certificates approved and their IDs printed and sent to their local Post Shop, but are unable to collect them because the Post Shop is closed, can apply to the Authority for an exemption to work without displaying their ID. Such applications are to be made by email to [email protected] and should contain the licence or certificate holder’s full name and PSPLA application number.
  • All in-person hearings will be changed to telephone or video hearings. If this is not possible they will be rescheduled for a future date.
  1. If Covid restrictions are at Level 2 or lower the above exceptions will no longer apply and the PSPLA will as far as practicable operate in its usual manner.
  2. This protocol applies until revoked or modified by the Authority.

The NZSA would like to commend the PSPLA for their proactive stance on this however we will lobby the Authority for further concessions around licence and certificate applications should the country, or any specific regions, face extended operations under Level 3 or 4.


Withdrawal of copper services by local fibre providers

The NZSA has recently been in consultation with Chorus with regards to the withdrawal of copper line services and migration to fibre, and how this will impact onto the large number of customers still utilising copper for their alarm monitoring services.

All LFP’s (Local Fibre Providers) have signed up to the Copper Withdrawal Code that contains consumer protection requirements including:

  • The customer must understand the process
  • Have a reasonable time to prepare (Chorus provide 6 months notice)
  • Have information about switching to an alternative technology like fibre
  • Have access to a fibre service with similar functions installed before copper is withdrawn.

What has been missing to date is information with regards to how ancillary services using the copper network, like alarm monitoring services, will be impacted and the processes and costs associated with a change over to alternate technology.

Chorus will look to build this into future communications with those who will be impacted however we strongly recommend to our members that they adopt a proactive approach to this significant issue.

We have lobbied Chorus for the ability to access customer numbers and the indicative roll-out timeline specific to those numbers however that is not possible for privacy reasons. They have however suggested that providers refer to the information regularly updated on their website

We will keep members posted on further developments and welcome suggestions on how the industry can be more proactive in managing the migration process.


MSD Skills for Industry Work Broker contract renewal

We are pleased to advise that the NZSA has been successful in resecuring the Skills for Industry Work Broker contract following the recent tender process.

Our contract is now specific to the Auckland, Waikato and Northland regions with alternate providers appointed for other regions.

MSD have also signalled a change in the employer support payment structure with payment now covered under the Flexi Wage programme. This will increase the total quantum of support payments offered and we will communicate full details on how this will operate to our contracted members in the near future.


Review of vocational education – transition to WDC’s

On 4 October 2021 many of the functions provided by the ITO’s (Industry Training Organisations) will transition to the new WDC’s (Work Development Councils).

For the security industry this means functions traditionally performed by Skills Organisation such as Consent to Assess applications, Programme Endorsement and External Moderation will move to either the Services WDC (for security personnel services) or the Construction and Infrastructure WDC (for electronic security).

There are mixed views from training providers as to the impact this will have however there are valid concerns that the WDC’s will require some time to become operationally effective and this may impact onto the ability for training delivery to meet industry needs.

We also foresee some challenges in our ability to influence positive change for the security industry given we will now require representation over two different WDC’s and will effectively be small fish in very large ponds.

One positive is that we have the Security Training and Professional Development Special Interest Group in place, and this will provide additional resource and capability in ensuring effective representation and influence on the WDC’s.


Virtual reality security training platform

It has been very pleasing to see the uptake of CoA training via the SkillsVR training platform and we are already experiencing a surge in interest given the current lockdown restrictions and the cessation of traditional classroom-based training.

During September the SkillsVR team will be launching a series of webinars which will provide an overview of the VR training experience and how employers can use the platform to assist in the on-boarding process and in determining staff competency levels in addition to completing the CoA mandatory training.

We will provide more information and webinar registration details in coming weeks.


Staff poaching

Over recent months I have received communications from several members concerned about the prevalence of staff poaching, particularly within the Electronic Security sector.

We appreciate that members will always seek to employ the best possible staff but the consistent targeting of competitor employees is not acceptable.

As a reminder, all NZSA members have signed the Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct which includes:

  1. Integrity – NZSA members shall maintain high standards of integrity and professional conduct with fairness and honesty at all times in dealing with clients or employees, past and present, with members of the NZSA, and with the general public.


Extension Part 6A of Schedule 1A Employment Relations Act

In our last newsletter we covered off the changes to the ERA that effectively provides Security Officers with additional protections when their employment is impacted by restructuring that results in the contract for service shifting to another provider or taken in-house.

In these situations there is an obligation on the new party providing the service to offer employment to the incumbent employees on terms and conditions no less favourable than they currently receive. This includes the transfer of leave and service entitlements and also prevents subsequent restructuring such as reduced hours or payments.

The NZSA has prepared documentation to assist both outgoing and incoming service providers and members can obtain copies by emailing [email protected].


As always, we welcome all comments and feedback on NZSA or industry issues and activity.

Keep safe and well.

Gary Morrison



Keeping your team up to date

Like many organisations we are constantly looking for ways to ensure we can communicate effectively with our members and their teams. The best way to stay up to date on NZSA and industry news is via our newsletter. The more people from each company who receive our newsletter, the higher the chance of updates being communicated within the industry.

With this in mind, we welcome you to send us any company contacts who would like to receive our newsletter and we will add them to our distribution list.

Please email any contacts to [email protected].


Crowded Places Security Advisory Group

Subsequent to the release last September of Police’s September 2020 Protecting our Crowded Places from Attack: New Zealand’s Strategy, and following meetings with NZ Police, a Crowded Places Security Special Interest Group (CPSSIG) was established under the NZSA last February.

In consultation with the Police, and aligned with the three advisory groups established under the Crowded Places Strategy, the CPSSIG has now become the Crowded Places Security Advisory Group or CPSAG.

Described as a body of experienced security industry specialists, the CPSAG will provide specialist advice and direction in the protection of Crowded Places in line with the Strategy and government Protective Security Requirements (PSR).

According to the group’s chair, Sir Ken McKenzie, “CPSAG is a skilled, experienced and diverse group of industry specialists from across NZ and well known to and respected within the private and public security sphere.

The group is committed to delivering robust policy and transparent assurance that the private security sector is equipped and recognised as a credible security delivery partner in these rapidly changing times”.

Still in its very early days, the CPSAG will likely focus on areas such as intelligence, threat, vulnerability, critical risks and risk assessment, expanding to include protective security, counter terrorism, crowd control, physical security, security training competencies and associated licensing, security policy and research and development.

Whilst the CPSAG now operates as a stand-alone advisory group, the NZSA is represented on the group through our CEO Gary Morrison, and provides secretarial and administrative support.


NZSA webinar now available to view

Master Class in Building Compliance Security Systems (Fire and Access)

The issues around compliance for Security Systems are confusing and open to different interpretation by councils. This webinar will demystify the requirements and provide tips and advice from compliance experts. If you or your staff have any downtime during the current lockdown, this the perfect opportunity to upskill yourselves and improve your understanding of building compliance re security and fire systems.

You can view the webinar on the NZSA website.

Newsflash – following the exceptional interest in the webinar (over 190 attendees) and the issues raised, the NZSA will look to establish a Special Interest Group (SIG) focused on lobbying MBIE and other government departments for clarity of the legislation and codes. If you are interested in participating in the SIG, please notify Gary Morrison on [email protected].


NZ Security Awards – coming soon!


This year’s Awards event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.

The most important factor is that we have the opportunity to recognise and celebrate those within our industry who have performed to the highest possible standards and excelled in their roles and for that reason we will go ahead with an alternative option.

We will be announcing the Awards launch in the next week – in a new and exciting format!

Please be sure to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook to ensure you receive our announcements:




Training and Professional Development SIG

Submitted by Andy Gollings

Chairperson & CEO Red Badge Group

The NZSA has partnered with The Skills Group Foundation to approach workforce development from a whole new angle.

Communication and understanding are critical to effective and safe operation in any environment. Nowhere is this more relevant than in the changing landscape of New Zealand’s security sectors. Our industry is developing in diversity of workforce and in complexity of the tasks required of them and we lack the leadership ability, across our industry, to fully understand and support this workforce to develop and succeed.

Literacy is a key issue across a broad range of industry sectors and has considerable impact on the learning capability for many workers. New Zealand’s security industry covers some 25,000 workers and it is estimated by those working in the industry that probably 20% to 25% of workers are impacted to some degree by literacy and numeracy challenges.

Such challenges can be overcome, with the right support. The key is to create an environment for our workforce where their great attributes and capabilities are encouraged to shine, while recognising and supporting their challenges.

The Security Industry Training and Professional Development Special Interest Group (SIG) has initiated a project to develop skills where it can have the most impact in a growing workforce. We are now working with the The Skills Group Foundation to develop learning modules to support those who have the most contact with security officers, such as supervisors and managers. These modules will be designed to help them to understand their staff and to utilise best practice learning theory and resources to improve communication and understanding within their workforce.

The Skills Group Foundation are currently working with the NZ Defence Force on a similar project for their trainers. We are excited to bring this approach to where it can have the greatest impact – developing the capability of our frontline leadership.

Whilst we have yet to develop the learning modules, they will be focused on providing simple strategies for leadership.

As an example we can guide our frontline leaders on how they can achieve best outcomes such as:

Checking for understanding

At the end of a briefing or a tool box talk, ask open ended questions

  • So what are you going to do?
  • What would you do if…..
  • How do you think you should…..
  • Show me how you would……

This allows the learner to reflect on the learning and apply it practically to a situation while you are still present. It also enables you to be confident that the communication has been understood.

We look forward to providing further updates on this exciting project.


Secintel Security Situation Report

NZSA member Global Risk Consulting (GRC) have recently launched their Secintel System that provides a comprehensive national threat and risk assessment platform. The system provides a good level of understanding as to what is happening in our communities, and across areas of importance to security providers such as criminality, civil unrest and armed conflict, or commonly known as the security operating environment.

GRC have kindly offered to make the Secintel Security Situation Report for Q1 2021 available to NZSA members. Please download it on the Secintel website.

For more information on the Secintel System, please contact Chris Kumeroa on [email protected].


NZSA member referral – strength in numbers

NZSA’s membership has grown strongly over the past year and each new member not only strengthens the Association and the security community, it also enables us to provide you with more benefits and services and a greater voice for the industry. So help grow your community and strengthen your Association by referring a prospective new member.

To refer a prospective member please email details to [email protected]. For details on member benefits please see the NZSA website.


NZSA support for LSV programme

The LSV programme is a free six-week motivational training course provided by MSD but facilitated by the New Zealand Defence Force. It is targeted at 18 to 25-year olds and aims to increase the number of young people entering employment or training by improving their self-discipline, self-confidence, motivation and initiative.

We introduced an NZSA Award to be presented to the trainee demonstrating outstanding qualities for the security industry – initiative, empathy and going the extra mile.

The recipient of the NZSA award, who graduated in August, was Trainee Jack Speakman-Voss from the Southern region (Invercargill).

Trainee Speakman-Voss (or Mr Smiley as he was more affectionately known) personified all aspects of initiative, empathy and going the extra mile. His career goal is to pursue his dream of becoming a Police Officer.

Here he is receiving his award, proudly presented by TA the LSV Administrator.

Congratulations to Trainee Jack Speakman-Voss!


Face masks available

The NZSA has obtained from the Ministry of Health face masks from government stocks. These masks are Ministry of Health approved for essential services. The masks are available to order in boxes of 50 and the cost is $45 + gst per box.

If you would like to place an order can you please email us at [email protected] with your requirements.


Member Benefits

NZSA Speak Up Line

The NZSA Speak Up Line is free to members and provides access to a confidential service where staff can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern that may be occurring in the workplace and not being reported.

Phone                 0800 775 775

Online reports

The NZSA will provide posters, business-sized card to go into wallets, stickers and introductory letters for your staff. They are designed for members to include their own corporate branding prior to distribution.

The service is particularly valuable where employees may be reluctant to speak up or report matters due to fears that by doing so it may affect their employment or risk further victimisation.

It is also important to note that such services meet government procurement requirements around providing a voice for staff.

This service is provided by Crimestoppers who obviously have considerable experience in handling sensitive calls in a confidential manner. They log the calls or online reports and forward to the NZSA for further investigation if required. The staff member can remain anonymous if they wish to do so.

Register for the NZSA Speak Up Line by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.


NZSA HR Advisory Service

NZSA is partnered with Livewire HR to provide access to free HR advice as well as templated key documents and policies.

There are testimonials below from some members who have utilised the service:

“We have used Livewire for a while now and the documents are great to use and easy to download and save. We have implemented some policies based on the designed ones here and have good responses from our team. We will continue to use them for a long time to come. Would highly recommend.”

“I had a very good experience with Livewirehr, especially with Rebecca. She was approachable and patient with our questions. The advisory service is a big help and I would recommend using this great service”.

“When we had inquiries the response was very quick and super helpful. Some the security companies do not have a big HR team or Lawyer team and this is such a great service to use if something out of the ordinary appears and you want to be sure you are working within the regulations.”

Call           HR LIVE (0800 475 483)

Email         [email protected]


Triangular employment relationships – an NZSA HR Advisory Service update

Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Act 2019

This amendment to the Employment relations act came in June last year and was bought into address a gap in legislation in relation to employees in a triangular employment relationship.

Previously, employees could only bring a personal grievance – such as for bullying, harassment or discrimination – against their employer. This limited their ability to take a personal grievance, as the actions that lead to them taking a claim may be those of the ‘controlling third party’ they are assigned to work for, rather than the person actually employing them.

For further information please see the LivewireHR blog.

If you have any workplace questions, the NZSA HR Advisory service can assist.

Phone:     HR LIVE (0800 475 483)

Email:       [email protected]


simPRO Software

simPRO is a leading operations management solution for service, maintenance and project contractors. Connect the office to the field, delivery exceptional customer service and gain invaluable insights with automated processes, streamlined workflows and in-depth business reporting.

NZSA members are eligible to receive a 20% discount on initial implementation costs of simPRO.

For further information visit the simPRO website.



NZSA have an agreement with Mobilcard offering members fuel discounts

Key Benefits:

  • Up to 16 cents per litre (including GST) discount off the pump price for all diesel and petrol purchased at a discounted Mobilcard acceptor sites. Minimum discount of 12 cents per litre (including GST).
  • Available at 330+ sites nationwide. View to find an acceptor site near you.
  • No card or transaction fees.
  • No need to manage receipts for tax purposes, all managed under one account.
  • Costs can be tracked easily with one monthly invoice. You can also have online access to multiple reports including the fuel consumed by individual vehicles.
  • PIN number and purchase restrictions for added security.
  • You must be a member of the NZSA to qualify for this offer.

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using a discount of up to 6 cents per litre = $6 discount per week

A vehicle consuming 100 litres per week using the NZSA MOBILCARD discount of up to 16cents per litre = $16 discount per week

For a company fleet of 20 vehicles that’s potentially an annual saving of over $10,000 per annum.

The discount level is dependent on volume of fuel used per annum.

For further information please email [email protected].



We welcome the following new Corporate Members:

Alpha Protection Services Ltd

BDR Security Ltd

Teltrac Communication Ltd

S.E.A.L. Security Ltd

Zoom Security Ltd


and the following new Associate Company and Associate Individual Members:

PJ Charles Ltd trading as Strategic Defence

Revolve Electrical Services Ltd

James Crow

Sohail Autar



NZISF breakfast meeting

Topic: Falling victim to malicious actors on social media

Presenter Paul Hay will discuss the process he went through to clear his name after his account was accessed, altered, and used to discredit his reputation.

When: 8:00am Thursday 9 September 2021 via zoom

For further information and to register please see the NZSA website.


Advanced restrictive movement & restraint instructor qualification (ARMR)

The ARMR program is aligned with the instructor programs Hard Target currently run for government departments, meeting the same high international standards while aligning with NZ Security industry roles.

Courses in Auckland, Wellington & Christchurch have been scheduled and will be open to only 8 participants per course. Contact [email protected] or on 021 777 971 to receive the program criteria and information.