Welcome to our November 2020 newsletter.
In our last newsletter I commented on the security issues that had occurred at the MIF’s (Managed Isolation Facilities) and the resulting negative coverage from the media and ill-founded government announcements with regards to replacing all 500 to 600 private security personnel working at those sites with staff from the armed forces, support by security staff to be recruited and trained by MBIE.
I’m pleased to advise that the number of private security staff at the MIF’s has in fact increased since that time (with contracts in place for most sites ensuring service continuity) and the lack of reporting of any incidents seems to indicate that services are being performed to a high standard.
I note that Nick Dynon, the highly credentialed and respected Chief Editor for the New Zealand Security Magazine, commented in last months magazine that the political announcements appeared to be nothing more than an attempt to distract the media focus from the need for more proactive security measures at the border and without any engagement with the Army or MBIE with regards to their ability to provide the additional resource.
I still find it disappointing that politicians can be so indifferent towards the situation of the 500 to 600 workers facing potential redundancy, or the employers who had invested heavily in recruiting and resourcing their staff on the MIF sites, however that is probably the reality of decision making when leading in to an election.
Impact of new employment rules
The strong mandate for Labour at the recent election means that some significant employment law changes are likely to be implemented within the next year or two. Labour’s employment policies include:
- Raising the minimum wage from $18.90 to $20.00, effective 1 April 2021
- Increase paid sick leave from 5 days to 10 days
- Legislate for and implement Fair Pay Agreements (FPAs) with the guarding sector, probably the first industry sector to be implemented (this is on Labour’s first 100-day plan)
- Removal of the 90-day clause for new workers
- Recognising Matariki as a statutory holiday
- Four weeks compulsory redundancy
- Providing unions with a stronger presence in the workplace.
The NZSA maintains strong relationships with the various government agencies that will be involved in the development and implementation of these policies and we will continue to advocate strongly for the interest of our members. We recently circulated a MBIE survey on the proposed increase in the minimum wage to our members and utilising the returns we received, were able to provide a comprehensive submission to MBIE on behalf of the industry.
We are very aware of the potential cost implications associated with many of these policies and will provide more detailed information as the policy detail and timing becomes known.
MSD Skills for Industry programme
Our team of Andrea and Napat continue to achieve fantastic results with close to 200 full-time candidate placements over the last twelve months.
We have noted a slow down in member vacancies over the last two months, probably attributable in part to the confusion over the continuation of the MIF contracts, however we expect a significant boost in vacancy numbers as we head towards the busy Christmas period. Other than a short shutdown between Christmas and New Year, our team will be available to assist with your employment requirements – contact either [email protected] or [email protected] to discuss how the programme works and the support payments that we provide to assist with additional training and induction costs.
With the pending launch of the careers pathway website (see following article) we are very confident of our ability to attract quality workers for our members, and the ability to have our placements fully licensed (at our cost) in the near future through the SkillsVR Virtual Reality Training Platform, will further benefit members using the placement programme.
It is also worth noting for our members that whilst Labour has announced a Future of Work initiative which will involve a partnership with the unions and one-off placement fees for new appointments, we are confident that this will not compromise or disadvantage our Skills for Industry Programme.
Security career pathway website
We are pleased to advise that the new website, is nearing completion and will go live during November.
The website is designed to provide a comprehensive and structured introduction to roles within the security industry and the pathway opportunities for those seeking career progression into more senior positions. The website includes information on the roles, skill set requirements, training requirements and options, indicative pay scales and possible pathways into other sectors or industries. We will also feature short videos of employees in their roles, talking about their jobs and what they enjoy most – the inclusion of further videos will be a work in progress as we continue to develop the site content.
We view the website as a great support tool for the MSD Skills for Industry programme and introducing the security industry to those seeking employment – be it school leavers, those seeking a career change or the newly unemployed through the impact of Covid-19. In addition, we believe it will provide a valuable resource for our members in their recruitment process.
Look out for notification of the formal launch and associated social media programme in coming weeks!
SkillsVR security training platform
Again, we have good news with the pending launch of the new virtual reality training platform for the mandatory Certificate of Approval training only a month or so away.
The platform is a partnership between MSD, the NZSA and specialist virtual reality developer JBA (Joy Business Academy) and seeks to address frustrations that exist in delivering the current mandatory training that must be completed as part of obtaining a Certificate of Approval for security officers. Those frustrations include accessibility issues (particularly outside of main metropolitan areas), a lack of consistency in the training delivery (including shortened programmes) and literacy issues with current training materials.
Virtual reality and e-learning are recognised as leading edge technologies for the delivery of high quality and effective training, providing benefits such as:
- Time and cost of training and certification – guards are certified in less time and with less disruption to operations.
- Practice for the real world – guards have the opportunity to practice potentially dangerous scenarios, allowing them to safely and effectively comprehend principles before applying them in the real world.
- Accessibility outside metropolitan areas – guards can get trained, refreshed and/or certified anywhere without the need to travel and without the cost of facilitator travel and accommodation.
- Comprehension – literacy challenges – guards are emotionally connected to their virtual environment, and need to utilise their cognitive abilities to complete training/certification, overcoming literacy challenges.
- Consistency – guards receive comprehensive and consistent training and have access to training and refreshers throughout the year without having to engage a training facilitator or incur any massive cost to the business.
Whilst the original intent was to develop a high quality and readily accessible training delivery option for candidates placed into employment through the NZSA MSD Skills for Industry programme, we believe it is in the interest of the stakeholders and wider industry to make the training platform available for all industry participants who need to complete the three unit standards that make up the mandatory training. It is important however to stress that industry has the choice to utilise the platform or not, and that it is an option for industry to consider, not a replacement for existing training.
The SkillsVR security training platform comprises a mixture of e-learning and virtual reality modules hosted on the JBA SkillsVR portal and comprises the three unit standards:
– 27360 Demonstrate knowledge of managing conflict situations in a security context (e-learning)
– 27361 Manage conflict situations in a security context (virtual reality)
– 27364 Demonstrate knowledge of the security industry in a pre-employment context (e-learning)
The e-learning modules provide total flexibility with regards to venue and timing from a learner perspective and the virtual reality is delivered from a simple to use headset that can either be purchased or hired (with one day courier turnaround).
JBA and NZSA recently hosted a user testing session with a small group of security providers and Skills representatives viewing, testing and providing feedback on the platform. Whilst unexpected technical glitches provided some frustration, the overall feedback was exceedingly positive, particularly with regards to the quality, realism and effectiveness of the virtual reality scenario-based training.

Photo – Participants in the user testing session experiencing the virtual reality training platform.
JBA are currently making system improvements and adding further functionality based on the user feedback with the intent that we will commence training MSD candidates on the platform within the next month.
Our plan is that we will conduct a roadshow around the country in early 2021 with an open invitation to security providers to come in to trial and experience the platform and discuss delivery and pricing options – dates and locations will be promoted well in advance.
We are also pleased to advise that JBA will be providing demonstrations of the VR scenarios, incorporating COA training at Facilities Integrate, refer to the information below and your opportunity to book a demonstration timeslot.
For further information please contact Chris Thomas from SkillsVR: [email protected], 021 771 173.
Apprenticeship funding for security technician training
The government announced a fees-free funding for apprenticeship programmes back in July with the promise that further details would be released shortly after.
When the list of approved apprenticeship qualifications was finally released, NZ2767 New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology Level 3 was included, however the Level 4 qualification, being the electronic security-specific component, was not listed. This created a high degree of uncertainty with regards to funding coverage and has effectively halted the registration of new apprentices since the approved list was published.
We have been working with TEC (Tertiary Education Commission) to get this resolved and have just received confirmation that the New Zealand Certificate in Electronic Security Level 4 has been added to the approved qualification list and that the security technician apprenticeship qualifies for the fees-free funding.
This is great news as we have seen a strong uptake in the qualification since the recent rewrite and we are aware that a number of employers have been holding off on new registrations pending clarity on the funding.
Unfortunately we have yet to gain approval for the apprenticeship on the Apprenticeship Boost Support Programme through MSD however we are continuing to lobby on behalf of the industry.
For more information on the apprenticeship and funding, please contact Carine Vaccari at Shift/ETEC on [email protected].
NZSA Annual General Meeting
As noted later in this newsletter, this years AGM has been scheduled for later in the year than normal due to Covid-19 restrictions but will be held on Wednesday 25 November with a breakfast meeting commencing 7.30am at the ASB Showgrounds in Auckland and in conjunction with the Facilities Integrate expo scheduled for 25-26 November at the same venue.
Copies of the NZSA Annual Report and details for board nominations have recently been distributed. If you haven’t received a copy or require information on standing for the board, feel free to contact me on 021 122 9606 or [email protected].
As always, we welcome all comments and feedback on NZSA or industry issues and activity.
Keep safe and well.
Gary Morrison

NZSA – 1972 to 2022 – 50TH ANNIVERSARY!
Calling for members prior to 1984. We will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the NZSA in 2022 and we would like to obtain some memorabilia, photos and also some stories about the early members. As our records don’t go back prior to 1984 it would be great if you could contact us and let us know if you were an early member or have access to memorabilia and photos from 1972 onwards. Please contact [email protected].
Submitted by Andy Gollings, Chairperson
A key objective of this group is to support the development of a professional industry which offers training, career pathways and opportunities. It has been recognised for some time that the security industry has some challenges. We have struggled for recognition as a valued service and therefore have struggled to be a valued vocation across New Zealand. This unfortunately is almost self-fulfilling as if we struggle to attract the right people to our industry we will struggle to improve the levels of service and therefore that value that we are perceived as providing.
2020 could eventually provide us with a real catalyst for change. Our industry stepped up and provided much needed reassurance during the various alert levels and to help protect our border at the Managed Isolation Facilities. The fact that our industry could offer much needed employment at a difficult time for many has also allowed the industry to attract people who may have never considered this sector otherwise.
On top of the events above, 2020 has also seen the refresh of the training for the Certificate of Approval, the establishment of a new NZ Certificate in Security Levels 3 and 4 with the Level 2 resources being developed on our behalf by the Skills Organisation. These resources will be available by the second quarter of 2021. We have also seen some real traction for the NZ Certificate in Electronic Security and the introduction of a qualification for call centre and monitoring centre personnel.
NZSA and Skills have supported a mandatory refresher training for our Conflict Management Trainers across the country which should address some of the previous inconsistencies of this training. They also hold a register of these approved trainers and these people are the only trainers that are approved to deliver conflict management training to security officers for the COA. If you don’t know if your trainer is approved, you should be checking this list on the Skills website.
Another initiative, that has the potential to provide real value, is the MSD/NZSA initiative to embrace virtual reality training. This approach is certain to improve the consistency and availability of training across the country. It also has the potential to simulate situations, in a safe environment, to test and develop appropriate responses from trainees.
In progress currently is the development of a website that outlines career opportunity, training requirements and progression within the industry. This is designed to show potential employees the opportunities that exist within our industry and could also be a great vehicle to inform industry and our customers of the opportunities that exist for us to develop our services and our personnel.
There are many training opportunities that either exist now, or are in stages of development. If you have questions I invite you to reach out to myself or the NZSA. We need to work as an industry to make use of these opportunities and demand higher standards of each other. As an industry we operate in a position of trust and we need to work together to improve our standards of professionalism so that we can continue to operate in this position and provide the security and assurance that our communities require.
The NZSA and the members of the group are committed to raising industry standards. Your feedback and input is essential. Please direct any questions, suggestions or concerns that you have to the NZSA so that we can work together to ensure our customers and our staff are provided the quality support that they deserve.
The LSV programme is a free six-week motivational training course provided by MSD but facilitated by the New Zealand Defence Force. It is targeted at 18 to 25-year olds and aims to increase the number of young people entering employment or training by improving their self-discipline, self-confidence, motivation and initiative.
Last year we introduced an NZSA Award to be presented to the trainee demonstrating outstanding qualities for the security industry – initiative, empathy and going the extra mile.

The newest recipient of the NZSA Award is Trainee Grace Simi Vaofusi from the Wellington region, proudly presented by LSV Work Broker Rachel Unuia-James.
Trainee Grace Simi Vaofusi is a top New Zealand basketball player and has been a model trainee in all aspects of initiative, empathy and going the extra mile. She has recently started with Future Leaders, a post-LSV provider who will support Grace in her work journey.
NZSA Speak Up Line
The NZSA Speak Up Line is free to members and provides access to a confidential service where staff can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern that may be occurring in the workplace and not being reported.
Phone 0800 775 775
Online reports
The NZSA will provide posters, business-sized card to go into wallets, stickers and introductory letters for your staff. They are designed for members to include their own corporate branding prior to distribution.
The service is particularly valuable where employees may be reluctant to speak up or report matters due to fears that by doing so it may affect their employment or risk further victimisation.
It is also important to note that such services meet government procurement requirements around providing a voice for staff.
This service is provided by Crimestoppers who obviously have considerable experience in handling sensitive calls in a confidential manner. They log the calls or online reports and forward to the NZSA for further investigation if required. The staff member can remain anonymous if they wish to do so.
Register for the NZSA Speak Up Line by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
NZSA HR Advisory Service
NZSA is partnered with Livewire HR to provide access to free HR advice as well as templated key documents and policies.
There are testimonials below from some members who have utilised the service:
“We have used Livewire for a while now and the documents are great to use and easy to download and save. We have implemented some policies based on the designed ones here and have good responses from our team. We will continue to use them for a long time to come. Would highly recommend.”
“I had a very good experience with Livewirehr, especially with Rebecca. She was approachable and patient with our questions. The advisory service is a big help and I would recommend using this great service”.
“When we had inquiries the response was very quick and super helpful. Some the security companies do not have a big HR team or Lawyer team and this is such a great service to use if something out of the ordinary appears and you want to be sure you are working within the regulations.”
Call HR LIVE (0800 475 483)
Email [email protected]
Business Continuity Planning
NZSA is partnered with BCP Builder to provide access to a free Business Continuity Plan Template. Members who join BCP Builder will be able to create their own personalised Business Continuity Plan following the simple instructions and training available through the BCP Builder website.
BCP Builder is based on the Business Continuity Institute Good Practice Guidelines and the requirements of ISO 22301. This means you can write your plan with confidence, knowing that you are meeting all requirements.
Members can request a BCP Builder discount code by emailing [email protected]. This will give you access to a free BCP Builder subscription to prepare your business continuity plan. Please note that this benefit is available for corporate and associate company members only.
Christmas Parties and Shutdown Periods – an NZSA HR Advisory Service update
Christmas shutdown
Most companies decide to shutdown and give their workers time with friends and family. Shutdown periods must be communicated to staff in writing 14 days before the shutdown period and you need to ensure that staff are paid the correct entitlements: Shutdown Periods.
Christmas parties
This time of year, people just think about having a good time, without thinking of the repercussions of their actions whilst under the influence. It is essential for businesses to be proactive with setting the tone for staff parties without ruining the fun. Keep these top tips front of mind as you enter into the silly season: Silly Season is almost upon us!
If you have any workplace questions, the NZSA HR Advisory service can assist.
Phone: HR LIVE (0800 475 483)
Email: [email protected]
The NZSA has received a delivery from the Ministry of Health for face masks from government stocks. These masks are Ministry of Health approved for essential services.
The masks are available to order in boxes of 50. The price of one box is $50 + gst plus the cost of delivery to your premises.
If you would like to place an order can you please email us at [email protected] with your requirements.
New Accredited Member – Allied Security
We are pleased to announce that Allied Security has successfully completed the audit against the NZSA Codes of Practice: Security Business Operations, PSR Capability, Health and Safety Capability and Manpower Services, and is recognised as an NZSA Accredited Member.
We welcome the following new Corporate Members:
Corporate Security Group Ltd
Ecosse Business Systems Ltd
Ironman Group Ltd
National Security NZ Ltd
Protective Services Ltd
and the following new Associate Company member:
Attenti New Zealand Ltd
and the following new Associate Individual members:
Jason Yorsten
Mark McHattie
NZISF Meeting
The University of Auckland
12 November 2020
The New Zealand Information Security Forum is meeting at 7.15am on Thursday 12 November.
Topic – Victory in phishing battles!
Speaker – Maziar Janbeglou
For further information please see the NZISF page on our website
Annual General Meeting
ASB Showgrounds, Auckland
25 November 2020
The NZSA AGM this year will be held in conjunction with Facilities Integrate. As we did last year we will provide a breakfast followed by the AGM. Members should have received the meeting notice, if you haven’t please contact us. Non-members are welcome however they will need to RSVP and cover the cost for the breakfast.
Please note that the AGM response deadline is 4pm on Tuesday 10 November 2020. Contact: [email protected]
Facilities Integrate
ASB Showgrounds, Auckland
25-26 November 2020
Facilities Integrate is a trade-only exhibition for people who design, construct and manage New Zealand’s buildings and facilities. For more information please see the website.
If you already registered for the event for the previous date in August you do not need to re-register.
CISO Online Virtual Forum
9-12 February 2021
Cybersecurity strategy successes shared live with you online, for free.
CISO Online will welcome an inspiring speaker line up with a comprehensive agenda covering the biggest strategic concerns for leaders in the information security space, for 1.5 hours per day.
Discover how CISOs and senior cybersecurity leaders are migrating from a technical to a strategic role and enabling business agility and growth by strengthening their frontiers.
To register please visit the CISO Online website.