Welcome to our July 2020 newsletter.
Whilst we have seen a return to some degree of normality in our personal and business lives, the reality is that Covid-19 will have far reaching ramifications for the New Zealand economy, and many of us personally, for many years to come.
The second extension of the government wage subsidy will finish in August and unless there is a further extension, some 120,000 workers face the very real prospect of losing their jobs. As we noted in our last newsletter, our members have not been immune to the financial and social impacts of Covid-19 but thankfully most seem to have come through in reasonably strong positions and with some degree of positivity. For those members who are impacted by customer loss and may be struggling financially, it is important that you are aware of what government support is available and be prepared to reach out to agencies or the NZSA and request support and guidance.
Covid-19 support
There are a number of opportunities for businesses adversely impacted by the effects of Covid-19 to obtain support, ranging from the wage subsidy through to loans and cash-flow advice.
We suggest that our members refer to the government Covid-19 website. This site is regularly updated and provides links to access available support programmes and agencies.
The NZSA team are also happy to discuss issues in confidence and provide all possible guidance, support and referrals.
Launch of New Zealand Security Services Good Practice Guideline
Whilst it has been a long time in the making we are pleased to advise that the New Zealand Security Services Good Practice Guideline has been recognised and endorsed by all stakeholders including PSPLA, WorkSafe, Etu and NZSA, as an “across all industry” document for employers, employees and industry customers and can be viewed and downloaded on the NZSA website.
The guideline currently focuses on core guarding and patrolling roles but work is underway to include further sections covering roles such as event security, retail security, hospital security and cash-in-transit services.
We will communicate all additions to the guideline as they become available.
Government funding for training and apprenticeships
Over recent weeks the government has announced several funding initiatives as part of its $1.6 billion vocational education programme.
From August 2020 to April 2022 employers can apply for up to $12,000 per apprentice in their first 12 months of training and up to $6,000 in the second 12 months. This initiative runs for 20 months, with an employer receiving $1,000 per month for a first year apprentice and $500 per month for a second year apprentice.
The subsidy is available for all first and second year apprentices regardless of what industry sector they are employed in and can also be used to rehire any apprentices let go due to Covid-19. This has immediate relevancy for those either enrolled or enrolling in the NZ Certificate in Electronic Security Level 3 and 4 qualification, however the NZSA Training and Professional Development Special Interest Group is currently evaluating the potential for developing a Security Officer apprenticeship around the new NZ Certificate in Security Level 3 and 4 qualifications which would also meet the funding criteria.
Whilst the apprenticeship funding commences in August, the government has yet to provide any detail on the application and administration process. We will communicate this to our members as soon as it becomes available.
Virtual reality training platform update
As reported in previous newsletters, the NZSA has partnered with MSD in the development of a VR (virtual reality) platform for the delivery of the three unit standards that comprise the mandatory training required for obtaining a CoA (Certificate of Approval) to work in the Property Guard, Personal Guard and Crowd Controller categories.
The VR platform will be used for the CoA training for MSD clients placed by NZSA into employment but will also be made available to the industry for wider use.
We will make more information available as we get closer to the launch date later this year however we are very confident that this highly immersive form of training will provide an effective, consistent, readily accessible and cost effective option for our members. Look out for more information on this over the next few months.
MSD Skills for Industry work broker contract
We are pleased to confirm that the NZSA has secured a new contract with MSD for the 12 months July 2020 to June 2021 and targeting 200 full-time placements.
Over the last 12 months we have not only placed 170 candidates into full-time employment with our members but also paid out in excess of $600,000 in support payments to cover training and induction costs incurred by our participating members.
With the doubling of numbers now receiving the jobseeker benefit there is a high level of government support for the Skills for Industry programme and we will be introducing a number of new initiatives to attract candidates, and particularly those who have become recently unemployed, and inform them about available career pathways within the security industry.
If you wish to learn more about the NZSA Skills for Industry programme or would like us to assist in meeting your staffing requirements, please contact Andrea on [email protected].
Parental leave changes from 1 July
From 1 July 2020 the duration of parental leave payments will extend from 22 weeks to 26 weeks and the maximum weekly rate for eligible parents will increase from $585.80 to $606.46 gross. The minimum payment rate for self-employed parents increases from $177 to $189 gross per week, which is equal to 10 hours of the current adult minimum wage.
New Zealand Security Awards nominations
A reminder that the nominations for the Awards close at 5pm on Friday 10 July.
Last year we had to decline several worthy nominations received after the close-off date so if you are intending on submitting a nomination, or nominations, please ensure you adhere to the deadlines.
Going by the calibre of the nominations received for the Covid-19 Guardian Awards it looks like the judges for this year’s event will again be faced with a large number of high quality nominations to consider. See our website for more information.
Good luck to all who are nominated!
International Security Officers’ Day

Whilst new to New Zealand, the recognition of the 24th July (24/7) as International Security Officers’ Day has gained considerable traction around the world over recent years.
The NZSA is thrilled to sponsor the initiative in New Zealand and we believe it is particularly poignant given the Covid-19 pandemic and the tremendous efforts of our security officers as essential service providers.
We have produced a celebratory badge, attached to a card, that our members and industry customers can purchase and present to their staff and workers and to be worn on 24th July.
Orders have already been placed but we have some badges still available for purchase at $2 + gst each. If interested please email us and we will supply, subject to availability.
As always, we welcome all comments and feedback.
Kind Regards
Gary Morrison
NZ Security Awards nominations

Nominations for the 2020 New Zealand Security Awards close at 5pm on Friday 10 July.
Please note that all nominations must be registered on the NZSA website. Any nominations received via direct email, or after the closing date, will not be accepted.
For further information about the Awards event, nomination criteria and the nomination form please see the events page on our website.
We look forward to receiving your nominations and good luck to all the nominees.
Covid-19 Guardian Award winners

The NZSA launched the Covid-19 Guardian Awards as a way to promote and recognise the fantastic efforts of security personnel during the lock-down period.
Thanks to everyone who made a nomination – we received over 100 nominations of exceptional calibre.
Congratulations to our winners:
- Marcus Hendriksen, Allied Security
- Pakuranga Plaza team, Guardforce Security – Lutelo Hausia, Kelemete Makalio, Mark Tavoi Solomona, Meketi Siliva and Phillip Lova
- Miranda Clark and Bryan Keightley, Aegis Private Security
- Anton Kritzinger, Armourguard Security
- Keisha Rihari, FIRST Security
Security Training and Professional Development SIG
Submitted by Andy Gollings, Chairperson
The Special Interest Group for Training and Professional Development within the Security Industry was able to convene in person on Friday 26 July. Like most meetings at this time it was good to be able to get together and talk openly without having to remember to unmute ourselves.
While not everyone was available, it was great to see strong representation from most industry sectors. To ensure that we can assist in keeping industry informed we were provided updates from the Skills ITO, ETEC and NZSA. The key points are noted below.
Government funding
Members tabled the recent announcement of government funding for fees-free training and apprenticeship programmes. Both Skills and NZSA have committed to investigate the support available for the security industry and to make this information available as soon as possible.
Security guarding apprenticeship
The Special Interest Group will form a working group to investigate the feasibility of an apprenticeship scheme for guarding. If we are trying to help build a more professional, highly trusted industry we believe it is a logical step to establish a clear career pathway for our industry. In line with this the NZSA are working with the Ministry of Social Development to develop a career pathway roadmap for our industry.
Security industry training survey
At this meeting it was agreed that we will conduct an industry-wide survey regarding training awareness, accessibility and quality. For this Special Interest Group to be representative of industry, and to make improvements, we felt it was important that we understand where the challenges lie.
COA refresh
The refresh of the three mandatory unit standards required for the COA is well underway with a second draft of the Security Unit expected very soon. We expect to have the updated resources available for utilisation in late August.
Comments from the Chairperson
Over the last few months the people that work within our industry have shone. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we have a responsibility to support these people with real opportunities and professional standards that they can be proud of. There are some great training opportunities to develop our workforce already in place. Some of these opportunities are not understood or widely available. Please contribute to the industry survey when you are invited. It is only when we become aware of the challenges that we can work together as an industry to overcome them.
We are committed to raising industry standards and your feedback and input is essential. Please direct any questions or concerns that you have to the NZSA so that we can work together to ensure our customers and our staff are provided the quality support that they deserve.
Member Benefits
NZSA Speak Up Line

The NZSA Speak Up Line is free to members and provides access to a confidential service where staff can report issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, poor employment conditions, illegal practices such as theft or drug dealing and other matters of concern that may be occurring in the workplace and not being reported.
Phone 0800 775 775
Online reports
The NZSA will provide posters, business-sized card to go into wallets, stickers and introductory letters for your staff. They are designed for members to include their own corporate branding prior to distribution.
The service is particularly valuable where employees may be reluctant to speak up or report matters due to fears that by doing so it may affect their employment or risk further victimisation.
It is also important to note that such services meet government procurement requirements around providing a voice for staff.
This service is provided by Crimestoppers who obviously have considerable experience in handling sensitive calls in a confidential manner. They log the calls or online reports and forward to the NZSA for further investigation if required. The staff member can remain anonymous if they wish to do so.
Register for the NZSA Speak Up Line by emailing [email protected]. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Restructuring and redundancy – an NZSA HR Advisory Service update
When you are considering restructuring or making someone redundant is is important to remember that the process is about the position and not the person. In regards to redundancy, you need to ensure that you have done everything possible to retain the person, and demonstrate that redundancy is the last resort.
It is best practice to have a documented proposal, which you can share with your employees outlining the relevant information. You will need to provide a valid reason for the proposed changes, simply stating Covid-19 is not enough.
For more information about this topic please see the Livewire HR blog.
If you find that you need to restructure or make redundancies, or for any other HR question, the NZSA HR Advisory service can assist.
Phone: HR LIVE (0800 475 483)
Email: [email protected]
Women and Leadership Scholarships
Scholarships of up to $5,000 for current and aspiring female leaders
Scholarships of $1,000 to $5,000 are currently available to women working in the security sector to help support their participation in a range of online career building leadership development programmes.
The initiative is providing junior through to executive women managers with scholarships to support their growth and development via participation in one of three flagship courses. Participants will benefit from course content such as Emotional Intelligence and Conflict, Career and Professional Growth, Team Dynamics, Leading Innovation and Change, and Empowering Teams.
Find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form prior to Friday 11 September: Women and Leadership.
MSD Celebrate Guard Appreciation Day in Canterbury
MSD held a Guard Appreciation Day in Canterbury to say thanks to their guards for all the awesome work they’ve been doing throughout the different alert levels and beyond.
During the regular site readiness meetings there had been a common theme about how wonderful the guards have been to them and their clients so MSD decided to do something about it and give back.
On Wednesday 10 June nine service centres took part. Some shared morning tea or took their guards out for lunch while others gave them cards and chocolates. “We used different ways to celebrate and thank our guards for looking after us and our clients every day. It was a day filled with lots of smiles and gratitude” said Cindy Sun, Executive Assistant to the Regional Director.
Tracey Gardiner, Principal Advisor Risk Service Delivery said “It was a wonderful day and the fact that the region celebrated their input is fantastic”.
Regional Visits
Gary Morrison, CEO of the NZSA, will be conducting regional visits to meet with members and non-members. If you would like to meet with Gary please email [email protected].
9-10 July Hawkes Bay
19-21 August New Plymouth, Whanganui, Palmerston North
10-11 September Wellington
8-9 October Christchurch
18-20 November Dunedin, Invercargill, Queenstown
NZ Information Security Forum Meeting
Date: Thursday 9 July
Time: 7.15am
Venue: University of Auckland
Topic: Availability and Security: choose any one
Speaker: Peter Gutman
More information and dates on our website
We welcome the following new Corporate Members:
- Central Security Waikato Ltd
- James Mobile Locksmith Ltd
And the following new Associate Company members:
- Convergint Technologies NZ Ltd
And the following new Associate Individual member:
New Zealand Security Awards
5pm, 7 August 2020
This year’s Awards ceremony will be live streamed from 5pm on Friday 7 August with MC Te Radar. Make sure you save the date!
Send us a video tribute!
With no live audience we need you to show your appreciation for your colleagues and the industry by sending us videos of you and your team applauding, dancing, whatever you feel. The best videos will be used during the awards live stream. Celebrate your great work and get creative! To upload your file please see the NZSA website.
ASIS webinars open to NZSA members
Security, safety and technology for Covid-19
Presented by Eddie Idik – MIAEM, MAIES, JP, AVM, EMT, Deputy Chairperson
Guest presenters: Elly Johnson – Truth Maven, communication and behavioural expert and Laurie Mugridge – Technical DIrector, Gunnebo
Thursday 2 July at 4.00pm
This webinar will provide you with some specific knowledge on some of the new security and risk considerations due to Covid-19. The presenters will cover the use of technology to manage hygiene and efficient “no contact” visitor activities and effective communication and interviewing during these changing times. Register
Security sector sit-rep – market trends and opportunities in 2020-2023
Presented by Chris Cubbage, Director of MySecurity Media and Director or Amlec House
Wednesday 22 July at 12.00pm
This session will summarise the key trend indicators of 2020 so far and learning outcomes from MySecurity Media’s Covid-19 webinar and podcast series: Israel & Australia National Cybersecurity Counterpart Session (1 July) and India Reach Series – Aerospace, Defence and Security Market Trends and Opportunities for Australia and ASEAN Region. Meeting link.
Facilities Integrate
ASB Showgrounds, Auckland
12-13 August 2020
Facilities Integrate is a trade-only exhibition for people who design, construct and manage New Zealand’s buildings and facilities. For more information please see the website.